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Use my link to install ✅ BLOODLINE for Free: ✅ and receive a $20 worth starter pack! Also, The first 30 players who leave their in-game Account ID & Username in the comment section below will receive a free Legendary Female Succubus Champion – The Luxuriant.
Hopefully blizz doesn’t hotfix all hunter gear and I have to take this video down too… But yeeeeah p1 bis. Always love doing bis videos.
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Any advice for how I can improve the vids? Post it in the comments! I’d love some feedback.
I stream right here on Youtube, so stick around for that. The streams are glorious.
You can also follow me on Instagram for updates when I go live and other random tings, although I kinda forget about it all the time. I’ll post on there again someday.. probably.
0:00 Nerfed but still hmr Intro
0:56 Helm
2:01 Really Cool Bloodlines Spot
3:22 Shoulders
4:30 Chest
5:29 Bracers
6:31 Gloves
7:18 Belt
7:42 Legs
8:25 Boots
9:06 Cape
9:50 Necklace
10:25 Rings
11:45 Trinket
12:30 Quiver
12:57 Weapon
15:40 Ranged
17:28 Enchants
18:06 BIS Sheet
18:28 What Happened to Runes and Talents Vid
19:05 I Rant About Why No Melee Hunter
20:30 Nerfed but still hmr outro
10:11 Nerfed but still hmr Outro
Use my link to install ✅ BLOODLINE for Free: ✅ and receive a $20 worth starter pack! Also, The first 30 players who leave their in-game Account ID & Username in the comment section below will receive a free Legendary Female Succubus Champion – The Luxuriant.
Hol'up. Guys asking for a flanking strike buff making it easier to get 3 stacks? I rather have it hit harder than trying to fish stacks.. Its literally a wet noodle (despite) tooltip saying 100% weapon damage, yet its doing 1/3 of a white swing lol.
On top of that: Pet doesnt always hit with flanking strike either, and oh. Chimera shot is also bugged, since it doesnt add damage from viper sting, it only refreshes it.
how come the 7 agility 4 strength ring from Allegiance to the Old Gods quest wasn't mentioned?
rolling priest but I just like your vis
I could go hard it would be mm
I just love professions mattering!
Hey I was in your stream earlier this week and you were answering questions and very helpful. Appreciate you man, great video!
Overall i am confused how Blizzard decided this time to develope sod. Feels completly undiscouvered for them as well. Like a beta and untested. Did they not test at least 1 time what they are gonna Produce here? These nerfes are heavy. I saw a Video yesterday about hunters explosive shot. How damage it did before and after nerfs. U cannot tell me u oversee this when u tested this as a developer. Feels like the love is missing here and again it seems they underestitmated the community as well. So many players were and are interested In classic sod and got now some heavy boomers and nerfs and redesigns to accept. Thats not right. A game should make fun and not only money for the devs… Blizzard makes so much money and still it feels like putting not the money inside the game instead maybe in their own Pockets for endless holidays and so on. Dont know if its true but makes me sad. These blizzcons Sound often promissing but in fact are often only telling words with a smile on a face. Best time Was still for me wc3. Wc2 was ok but wc3 made the difference for me. Then came this mmorpg…. but i got so interested In the lore and Story because of wc3 that i wanted to know how it goes after that. Wished they would have done this different. But still… here i am, hoping they dont destroy this game completly, Playing the game and giving These "developers" more money over and over again. Give us some love back and care more about Ur game and the community Blizzard.
Great Video. Nice and chilly and on point.
I got the Ironhide Arabalest Crossbow dropped from the BFD raid yesterday, is that not any good?
How many ways can you say Deadmines wrong?
Isn't Outlaw Sabre better than [Honed Stiletto of Agility]? Outlaw Sabre is +15 Attack Power
@4:51 wtf is dead maul? u mean dead mines
My pets have been tanking bosses in BFD no problem 😂😂😂
Love the guide mate. Big believer that a lot of people do things but very few do it right. You do it right. Keep it up mate!
Bow of Plunder from the quest Dangerous in Tarren Mill is a god pre-raid, 11.3dps, 2.6 speed
why do non of you guys mention ranger bow????? edit :ranger not raptor
No talk about pet ? Wtf?
No crescent staff or wing blade honorable mentions?
Easily the GOAT for classic hunter content, and hilarious as always. Keep it up my guy.
bizz wtf i lvl to 25 and not a single drop not even
6 slot bag wtf is this???
hey do you think Raptor's End bow is better than Venomstrike?
what pet bis?
The 5agi sword from WC quest + 15Ap sword from BFD quest is an easy option for good statsticks
i prior agy spirit over pure agy
In "Dire Mines" lol
You are officially now THE BALLER of awesome! Thanks the channel is SIC. PvP content if you have time… thanks.