Maldraxxus – Music & Ambience | World of Warcraft Shadowlands

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Maldraxxus is one of the realms of the Shadowlands, ruled by the Necrolord Covenant. It represents the heart of the Shadowlands’ military might. It is home to wicked beings like necromancers and abominations, but not everyone here is evil. Relentless, warlike souls who never yield and are willing to strive against one another for greatness are welcomed here by the necrolords, and the greatest of them are reformed by necromancers into undead soldiers who defend the Shadowlands from external forces and wage war on the enemies of death. The determined rise to positions of power, while the less-promising become fuel for Maldraxxus’ weapons. This brutal selection process has created a vast militia with a wobbling hierarchy. The realm’s longtime leader—the Primus—has vanished, and five of the most powerful necrolords now vie for the role of advancing the cause of death throughout the cosmos.

Maldraxxus is the birthplace of necromantic magic and home to the forces that were called upon by the Lich King and the Scourge on Azeroth.

For the music titles turn on the CC (captions / subtitles) from YouTube bar.

Death is a Battlefield and Death is a Battlefield Ambience themes are composed by Glenn Stafford
Necrolord music is composed by Glenn Stafford, Grant Kirkhope and Jake Lefkowitz
Sans Primus, Sans Primus Hero and Sans Primus Paranoid are composed by Glenn Stafford and Grant Kirkhope

World of Warcraft Shadowlands Maldraxxus locations on this video:
00:00 Intro
00:50 Theater of Pain
02:54 House of Chosen
09:54 The Spearhead
12:00 Blighted Scar
15:47 House of Plagues
18:40 Glutharn’s Decay / Renounced Bastille
24:40 House of Eyes / Nurakkir
28:40 Forgotten Wounds
30:57 Keres’ Rest
31:57 House of Rituals
37:30 House of Constructs / Ossein Foundry / The Stichyard / Separation Chamber
47:54 Spider’s Watch
48:57 Seat of Primus / Necrolords
59:00 Outro (Don’t click!!)

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#Meisio #WorldofWarcraft #Shadowlands


19 thoughts on “Maldraxxus – Music & Ambience | World of Warcraft Shadowlands”

  1. More Shadowlands zones? Sure, here you are.

    I've delayed the release of this movie because the others are performing poor. Maybe you can resurrect a bit the Oribos movie? ( )

    This zone in particular is very hard to digest. It looks like Antoran Wastes and the main theme is complicated. It should've been a predominant more alert music, but intentionally I've pushed the slower paced tracks in front, just because it needs to be possible to listen it in the background. I hope I've done a decent job.

    Please watch more, subscribe, like and share the videos to encourage me to create more content.

    P.S.: I think it's a good idea that they delayed the Shadowlands release. What do you think?


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    With love,


  2. Thanks so much for making these Meisio! I can't listen to the SL soundtrack for now because this time I don't want to spoil myself with anything regarding Shadowlands.

    But still – you're amazing man and I don't know why you're videos don't have millions of views <3


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