33 thoughts on “Melee vs range in raid #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft”
Must be the same in teso.. ^^ haha as an archer, i admit loving my chezzy play style ^^ play a sorc, i shoot arrow while i chill behind my minion army 🙂 easy way for the win! 😂😂
All while pressing 3 buttons, usually just one, range takes so much more skill it's comical that you say that, dk, warrior, or paladin player with your hunter alt
Must be the same in teso.. ^^ haha as an archer, i admit loving my chezzy play style ^^ play a sorc, i shoot arrow while i chill behind my minion army 🙂 easy way for the win! 😂😂
And MM hunter barly play without looking screen 😂
I started an alt Hunter and even in M+ it is sooooooo much easier and more relaxing. Even as MM where you can't use Aimed shot while moving.
Same thing Ashran bg…
Me, a hunter: autoshoots to go afk and make a smoothie
“Whats up with your dps last fight hunter?"
"Fking lag, man.”
I just did that Damned raid with my guild last night. As an enhance shaman, i feel all if it
Malee healers 🥲🔫
I play a fury warrior and spriest and i can confirm that melee is way more fun gameplay wise. Range is fun too but mostly easier
Bm Hunter King
Imagine being a mistweaver monk lol
Thats a lie lol, ranged have to CAST and you can just move. Easy
LMFAO so true
The ones dancing are the hunters. The most useless type of player in all of WoW history.
Pvp is the exact opposite😂😂
😂 So true
Always has and always will be this way
Heu….I'm doing something wrong it seems
this is cope, melee is so much easier to play, all melee classes are ridiculously straightforward, like rets, warriors, tanks etc.
So true. I play enhance shaman and a hunter. The difference is so accurate
All while pressing 3 buttons, usually just one, range takes so much more skill it's comical that you say that, dk, warrior, or paladin player with your hunter alt
That's so true. I just did that fight last night lol. Not so bad for melee just have to move quick😂
Bro the accuracy 😂 i main havoc and am quickly shifting to my mage full time lol
Melee get heals being grouped up and ranged die.
So opposite.
Try being a healer
Dude yesssssss😂😂😂😂😂
Faltou falar sacerdote disciplina 1 skill e cara faz praticamente tudo na raid
Hunter? Both
From maining ret pally to prot then changing to hunter… it really is like this
Always an unfair advantage for the ranged. Always has been and always will be…
As mage in this fight this is accurate
Now imagine what we tanks have to go through + when you dumb dps's do ninja pulls + if we have to guide the party or raid