Method vs Oldness Strikes | Final | AWC Shadowlands EU Cup 1

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Method vs Oldness Strikes
Finals | AWC Shadowlands EU Cup 1

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22 thoughts on “Method vs Oldness Strikes | Final | AWC Shadowlands EU Cup 1”

  1. wish it was a best out of 10. good series. Some of those classes need to get aspects of their abilities nerfed though. Like Druid Mobility, Holy Pally healing with the legendary that triggers in stuns, the 45 second combustion cd. Some things seem pretty unbalanced, without viable class counters to their strengths

  2. Every match every season for EVER will be something something something, people don't understand if you compete you take what's best even if it's with a 0.1% margin !!!!
    Want perfect balance and choose class randomly ? ===> go FPS

  3. People who complain about comps surely haven't been around for too long. There will always be a comp/class that work better than others. This is only applicable on the top 1% of the teams who need the little to none extra damage. Right now monk is the fotm, in a month or so another class will take its place. There will never be a perfect balance between classes in wow or any other mmo.
    And to the kids who think they need to switch their main because a class is a bit stronger right now, don't do it, play the class that you like, that fits your playstyle. This is how you will become better and higher rated, not by copying the pros. Its like the kids who playes csgo and download a config from a pro.

  4. Guys, dont worry about the comp. this is the tournament realm and meta is slightly different there. Check the official pvp ladder in wow where you will see EVERY class is represented in the top 100.


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