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Castle Nathria is finally out and Mitch Jones leads his viewers into the raid. The plan is to full clear the raid…will they succeed? Follow on Twitch so that one day you can say – Yep, I was there. Like, Comment, Subscribe & Ring The Bell! Click▼
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Mitch Jones is a multi-rank 1 Arcane Mage who has played World of Warcraft for 15 years and has streamed on Twitch for 9 years.
Mitch spends his days making hilarious clip moments which spread across Reddit from LivestreamFails to his own subreddit. You can expect daily highlight content from Mitch across a variety of games and his life as a streamer
#mitchjones #shadowlands
Maybe he do better if he was arcane
Actually this is so freaking funny
And a Legend was born
poor koochie, he did his best
lmao that koochie guy must have been suicidal after that raid xd
editing on these twitch clips are getting real good fam.
First problem is your not using flask 2headmitcho
Yo Panda This 🐼👍
Koochieman PogU
Hahahaha koochieman
Mitch this shit is pog. Im glad ur dishing out more content. Love u dude
dont stop, keeping it old school, so cool Mitch. Loving the content
Actually enjoyed this so much, first time I dont fall asleep watching a (non world first race) WoW raid!! Mitch fkin Jones, making raids fun since 2020!! <3
Very educational on what not to do, i like this type of learning
best video ever seen
Rip the pali that had the wrong aura on
Lol khoocieman is a legend
Some of these people are so bad it is actually scary. It makes for great content tho so you should def lead some more raids, this shit is too funny.
laughing my ass off watching this on youtube. Can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen
Y u b bullying koochie so hard, u never gave him those boots did u?
Free Koochieman! Also you did fuck up a mechanic on every boss lol.
Raids need more Koochies!!
The "not gonna fool me again" thing fucking destroyed me
Is he even in discord or is he doing raid callouts with the long ass twitch stream delay lmao
fucking rofl
Literally could not stop laughing
what does he mean when he says panda this?
Is this the same mitch that kept fucking up during Nathria with Asmongold