MORE CLASS CHANGES COMING – There Is Still Hope! | WoW Shadowlands Alpha

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Just when we thought more class changes might be too much to hope for, Blizzard dumps a whole bunch of Shaman, Mage, Warlock and DK changes on us!
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00:00 – Intro
00:58 – Shaman
01:36 – Ele Sham
03:42 – Enhance Sham
08:07 – Mage
09:43 – Warlock
12:46 – Death Knight


34 thoughts on “MORE CLASS CHANGES COMING – There Is Still Hope! | WoW Shadowlands Alpha”

  1. Warlocks are so close, they just need an off-pet interrupt. With how bliz is adding rare mobs with must-kick spells (like the Nazjatar rares that heal themselves), warlocks need a way to interrupt without pet dancing (especially with a 6 second cast)

  2. Before I start this is not written out of anger or frustration. Just my honest thoughts. I think you do a great job Kelani and I have been a patreon supporter. However it seems to me that you, and you are not alone in this many other streamers are doing it too, seem to be trying to find stuff to talk about. It makes me wonder if you and the other streamers think those of us that follow you all will drop off if you do not keep content coming. I for one would prefer valuable content than a barrage of info that changes almost daily. How about you decrease the alpha Shadowlands info and concentrate on , hmm I don't know but you are very creative I know you can come up with something!

  3. the class updates sound great. getting the care they need.

    Class that needs the most changes/updates: Shadow Priest and the Voidform mechanic. Short summary: terrible ramp up, lowest class for mobility, and extremely punishing for not maintaining voidform buff/lingering insanity.

    Long summary: The spec either needs to be entirely gutted, or offer a limit to sanity gathering/ a proc dmg release for reaching that limit and an alternative recovery for not reaching that limit (such as gaining back a percentage of insanity for not being able to reach the stack limit before running out of insanity in voidform)
    In addition, completely remove Lingering insanity to avoid the impression of a longer ramp up and buff the haste/dmg output over all in voidform to compensate.
    Mobility needs a serious update that can create better synergy with channeling mindflay/casting mindblast. Either make voidform capable of casting while moving for mindflay, or make mindblast capable of procing into an instant cast based on Aus spirits (to encourage dots/make multi-dotting more viable again).
    These suggestions can make the synergy far more satisfying than what WoW has so far suggested in shadowlands, with void bolt being cast-able during mindflay ( a contradicting 'perk' that makes shadow priests even more complicated to juggle maximum dps)

  4. All these new areas. Wow. All these new woke ass character customizations. Oh the diversity… yay. Classes are broke as shit. Specs are an absolute mess and unplayable.

    What a fucking shitshow, and absolutely more of the same old shit from Hazzikostas.

  5. They need to change Ret or it's DoA for Shadowlands. I'm still waiting for my Earth Element based Shaman tank spec. A ranged Axe/Spear throwing Warrior spec would be cool too. Headhunter anyone?

  6. Yeah, they reduced damage of hard cast spells for Enhancement so now, when we have to move away from targets, we can just cast Flame Shock and pray that we won't drop below tanks in the table. I would rather have just cast time decrease by maelstrom stacks, rather than damage increase with simultaneous base damage nerf.

  7. i lol so hard when he said "balance" changes. ya dks got more buffed on top of already being insane from what theyre getting in shadowlands yet ferals shadow and hunters are like ya we exist but forgotton

  8. SP because they are in dire straits. Right on their heals is the entire Warrior Class because while it might work conceptually it's boring as fuck to play any of the specs and everyone else can do what you can do better.

  9. They improve the affi lock but skip demo? Demo needs some love too. I do enjoy demo, but it isn't perfect. The whole turret-like play style really needs more rewarding play style if you ask me and more defense for being a turret. Also, one of my annoyances is the fact that felgaurd does not feel unique anymore. The whole point of demo is that you get a felgaurd, so make the felgaurd feel OP to the rest to give that rewarding feeling of yes, because i play demo i get that overpowered demon to serve me. Back in TBC the felgaurd felt unique because he had a special effect that made him more deadly with each hit.

    Lastly ramp up times, demo really needs improvements for the ramp up times. Our main spender HoG and builder SB could be tweaked?


    -High damage

    -Damage is the same and nolonger based on SS instead and the more SS you use. The more wild imps you get (5 max per cast)

    Example: 5 SS gives 5 imps


    One of the issues I have is that baseline all our spells have a cast time and thats fine, but give us more reward for always casting. I would like to see shadowbolt become easier to cast off.


    -cast time to 1 sec OR castable while moving?

    My demo lock feedback to blizzard:

    -More reward and defense for being a turret

    -Make felgaurd feel more unique (maybe fel lord pet talent).

  10. I don't play either of these classes but I would love to see survival hunters back in the game focused around traps not melee. Also Spreist really do need some love at the current state I think people would be forced to level as disc.


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