If you group with the opposite faction, you should be marked as a traitor and can be killed open world by your own faction for like an hour or something
Yea i had this die hard horde orc in my solo blitz and said fuck alliance imma throw this game alliance makes me sick is that how regular bgs gonna be like too 😂
Why do they keep doing tiny upgrades to cross faction? Is it that hard to fully implement cross faction stuff? Cant even que for something with the other faction without a full group? Lame af
Ngl, I hate how people pressure devs into removing factions because they just HAVE to play a certain race/class but then cry when they can’t play with their friends.
Really can’t stand all of the complaining I’m seeing in here. Factions are a really fun and cool feature of WoW, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of barring players from choosing the faction they like just so friends can all play with each other.
Not only that, but Blizzard literally already has a workaround for the thing you’re all whining about. They could just implement forced mercenary mode for any cross faction groups queueing for content, and then you’ll never have to see a cross faction player on your team in dungeons or bgs, and the rest of us can be rid of this archaic and outdated function of the game that arbitrarily prevents us from playing with who we want to play with in an MMO.
This is so stupid the whole warcraft lore is shit factions isnt s thing this game is done
No Noooooooooooooo
If you group with the opposite faction, you should be marked as a traitor and can be killed open world by your own faction for like an hour or something
People will still tell you this is real warcraft 😂
The World of Warcraft: C*ck Within
World of Softcraft
World of Peacecraft
Yea i had this die hard horde orc in my solo blitz and said fuck alliance imma throw this game alliance makes me sick is that how regular bgs gonna be like too 😂
Why do they keep doing tiny upgrades to cross faction? Is it that hard to fully implement cross faction stuff? Cant even que for something with the other faction without a full group? Lame af
nah i ain’t MEVER grouping with a allianceZUG ZUG
This is no longer Warcraft, just world of whatever this crap is
You wanna solve this stop playing retail wow see how blizzard fixes the game real quick
Ngl, I hate how people pressure devs into removing factions because they just HAVE to play a certain race/class but then cry when they can’t play with their friends.
I miss having Ops…now all we have are frenemies…
Nothing special turtle wow has already done this 😂
It's a start….
They need to do it because wow population been dying more and more lol
Sometimes I think that we need Garrosh back
When does this mobilegame come to pc 👍?
Is retail that dead now?
Really can’t stand all of the complaining I’m seeing in here. Factions are a really fun and cool feature of WoW, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of barring players from choosing the faction they like just so friends can all play with each other.
Not only that, but Blizzard literally already has a workaround for the thing you’re all whining about. They could just implement forced mercenary mode for any cross faction groups queueing for content, and then you’ll never have to see a cross faction player on your team in dungeons or bgs, and the rest of us can be rid of this archaic and outdated function of the game that arbitrarily prevents us from playing with who we want to play with in an MMO.
For the alliance! Keep to your desert we'll let you have that
Whats the point in factions now, its not WARcraft now its world of wokecraft
Sry but cross fraction in pvp is bullshit…