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Most fun Healer in Shadowlands? YES! Within our very first 9.0.5 tier list for m+ we choose FUN in order to paint a picture for a shadowlands healers ranked theme and this is all what WE consider fun, taking into account, mechanics, rotation, class fantasy and a little bit of utility and healing throughput. Making an objective 9.0.5 tier list pve video is close to impossible, so make no mistake, the final list is subjective and we would love to see your thoughts! Stick to MarcelianOnline for even more shadowlands healers tier list vids to come 🙂
00:00 Intro
01:40 Discipline Priest
04:39 Holy Paladin
08:18 Holy Priest
11:10 Mistweaver Monk
14:02 Restoration Druid
16:52 Restoration Shaman
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I mained a Mistweaver since Legion and Resto Shaman has been my secondary since TBC. I put the MW on the shelve after a few months into Shadowlands. As a MW in 9.0.5 I find it immpossible to heal during movement phases, the shaman was no problems. Fist weaver requires commiting to the play syle. If you aren't in melee your legendary is is usless. The shaman has more "Oh Sh!t" buttons and less mana issues. I now main a Holy/Prot Paly. I honestly can't se how MW is S tier in 9.0.5…. C at best.
MW is fun but is actually the worst healer. 9.1 doesn’t fix it. I think blizzard isn’t spending engineering resources in low player count specs.
Very subjective but that's the point of this tier list ! All healers are nice to play anyway, give some MANA love to monk tho blizz pls ^^
Holy tier D ? NO TENEIS NI IDEA de que habláis .
Just getting back into wow after a long break of eight years or so lol. Holy paladin is definitely different but I’m getting the hang of it. Haven’t gone above plus 6 mythics yet but getting better.
Never been a fan of disc. The learning curve is too high and the idea behind a damage/heal hybrid is kind of meh because the damage is so low. I kind of wish they found a way to make Discipline tank instead of DPS. As it is, the disc damage is about where tanks are anyway but if they found some way to give disc a directional shield and the playstyle was kind of trying to keep that shield up between you and the mobs and you had smaller shields for AE tanking and such it would be interesting. But that's just me as I really struggle making it work. Clearly it works for you guys though!
I do agree with holy being the most boring though because it's all about just sitting there and spamming heals into people and it's kind of meh. Not sure how they can make it more fun but it does need something to make it a little more interactive. It feels too whackamole, which is odd since Paladin used to be that.
Honestly this is the first expansion i don't play my hpally , yes they are strong ,yes the fantasy behind it is cool but simply the dungeons are not designed for melee healer and most of the times i end up being more stressed out then having fun and i play games to have fun .They should remove holy power from holy paladin in general and bring back the good old WOTLK era holy paladin healing .
Holy priests mastery is messed up, it's fighting agienst itself, when you heal someone with a big heal, and put a echo of light ticking for 7k per sec, and then your prayer of mending comes or circle of healing touches that target that echo of light will be reduced drasticly
Oh yeah baby. My healers of choice made it to S tier 👌
I might have missed it. What addon let’s you move the party boxes down in the center?
I totally agree tho. I've played all healers this expansion and holy priest is just so incredibly boring. I don't like specs that don't have any interesting play style. Holy's mastery is so incredibly boring that it doesn't make any sense.
I love this videos you guys are savages.
The thing with holy priest is, that Flash Concentration Legendary with trail of light talent completely changes holy from mediocre healing specc into a single target cleave healing machine. You stack 5 flash heals to build up the buff, and then you mostly heal with the heal spell, casting circle of healing and prayer of mending in between. You basically stop using prayer of healing completely and just cleave heal with that. Then in between, you put SW:P on everything, Holy Fire on the main target and spam smites in between, refreshing flash concentration with surge of light proccs.
It's much more mana efficient, guardian spirit + guardian angel becomes a monsterly good cooldown because you're blasting your tank with insane amounts of healing, and it also increases their own self-healing (Prot paladin/Blood DK especially). And in between you have Apotheosis, which is only a two minute cooldown so you pretty much have it every other pack.
Prideful healing becomes SO much easier to manage, Apotheosis + 3x heal spam into Holy words is probably the highest single target HPS in the game right now. I really don't miss discipline in mythic plus at all, grievious and burst are basically none issues for a flash concentration holy priest. If your party fucks up, you have PLENTY of healing to keep the party alive and if they do their job you have plenty of time in between to do dps.
It also is compatible with your discipline/shadow gear, with flash concentration in mythic+ you want haste/crit or haste/versatility gear.
The mechanics being fun is represented accurately in your tier list. But it's not fun to play your ass off and not do as much dmg as a holy pally half asleep at his keyboard still outdamaging you. It's just not fun when you can't compete with other classes in your role despite outplaying them. In that sense, Disc and MW are just not fun healers.
Marcelian's hair is whiter every time we see him! I love it.
What country are y’all from? I’ve watched your videos for quite a while now and I just can’t figure it out…
poor holy. playing every heal is D tier. it's masochist.
Holy priest has tools for everything, that makes it fun. I can’t believe you put them sooo low. I play all healers too.
dont rly agree with tier list u put on but i'll defnatly leave a like as i always do, keep up the good work and vids!
Guys how can you find it fun to spam Shadow Mend like in 70% of the time? Yes decision making between attonement and straight up healing is intriguing but the fact that attonement has become just a small part of your healing in high keys has made Disc pretty boring if you ask me.
Other that that, considering the holy classes to have less fun just confirms what I was thinking about you. You're the devil's work 😜
FTM! Fuck The Meta!
D="Dogshit!" – Flame
Flash concentration makes h priest the funnest healer in m+
This is not true lol disc has little spells to cast i get bored.. i used healbot i cant fillup the assigned spell button in disc.. holy has 12 spells heal .. disc only 6 lol .. i played holy since 2004.. i never like disc boring spells just 6? No big heal as well
Holypriest <3 pvp
The more I try to find alts to play, the more I realize how much more fun classes were for me in Legion..:(
I am so hyped for the MW buffs!
That Holy Priest hate 😬. The spec has issues for sure and needs a redesign. Flash Concentration needs to be baseline, spec needs a new mastery and more utility.
holy pladin
Been playing disc priest since day 1. But because of you guys I started leveling my monk. And im loving it! Farmed Teachings of the Monastery for weeks, bad boy finally dropped last night. How exciting!