my World of Warcraft "RECRUIT ME TO UR GUILD" video

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ok plz don’t tell my mom about this
I’m on faerlina, yes this is a real application


35 thoughts on “my World of Warcraft "RECRUIT ME TO UR GUILD" video”

  1. bro I had never heard of you or seen you until a couple days ago, when I posted a Diablo 4 video guide that included my singing a song that I wrote about D4 called 'Helltide Cowboy' and ever since several people have come in to my chat on Twitch to tell me that my video reminded them of you "for some reason and they couldn't place why". I mean, we do both sing original songs about Blizzard games which are both funny as well as poignant and good music while also both wearing cowboy hats as we both sing and play guitar while we unabashedly address our audience all while maintaining good humor all throughout with well written copy and a strong sense of self often expressed through lighthearted self-deprecation stopping just short and staying unsaid…. but I really don't see it.

  2. bro are you kidding me, the song is incredible, how in the world does it move me to tears? a meme song about classic wrath? as an wow veteran who isnt playing anymore, it just brought up so many memories. please continue to make music, you are incredibly gifted. love from germany <3

  3. Saw Asmongold's reaction to this. It's a shame this video only has a small fraction of the views his reaction has. Had to come here to give a thumbs up and comment on it.
    Your video is comedy gold and your singing is unironically great. Hats off.


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