Nathanos gets his reward in Shadowlands

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Credit to @gothmei for the voice acting!
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#WorldofWarcraft #Shadowland #pogchamp #meme #nathanos


49 thoughts on “Nathanos gets his reward in Shadowlands”

  1. I'm sorry, but, can someone please write the phrases of Sylvanas? I'm not good at English and it's pretty hard to understand something… I wanna laugh with everyone :((((
    Thank you very much, if someone will do it ❤

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  3. Hello here is Nathano's and I try to speedrun shadow lands while angry Elfs try to stop me. Can I be fast enough to simp for my Queen?
    This is World of Warcraft Manhunt.

    Also only 98% of Lordearons population is Forsaken, so if you are still a human pls get resurrected and join the forsaken. It's free and you can always change your mind later if you don't like it! 🙂


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