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Credit to @gothmei for the voice acting!
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#WorldofWarcraft #Shadowland #pogchamp #meme #nathanos
Sorry, I can't help it.
Last time I said that my previous video was my last short animation for this month. This time for sure XD
Lost it when he booked it
"Sylvanas I am here my La-"
"Harder Jailor dadd- NATHANOS!? IT'S NOT WHAT IT SEEMS!"
I murdered him like 30 times so he's in the super shadowlands
Great video
This is why he taunted Tyrande, so he could die faster.
Wuts the song in the end?
Omg I love this. If all your videos are this funny, you got a new subscriber!
Queue crash bandicoot music
I'm sorry, but, can someone please write the phrases of Sylvanas? I'm not good at English and it's pretty hard to understand something… I wanna laugh with everyone :((((
Thank you very much, if someone will do it ❤
Ok, you got me. I really wasn't expecting this meme.
I used to love the relationship between Sylvanas and Nathanos, then they did this.
Dark Rangers: Nathanos.. Tyrande's here to kill you.
Nathanos: 0:05
He's speedrunning all the new content faster than all the minmax lowlifes that play this game.
You actually made me laugh. I don't know why this is a meme. You animated it so well too!
And here I was hoping we could have met his soul in Revendreth and had some gloat time. Maybe he'll be in the Maw?
No wonder it took us so long to find him, he was Dream.
Ugh Sylvannas-sama please notice meee
This is what happens before Nathanos becomes a world quest boss
Dude, be careful, the girl who voiced this meme is now throwing a copyright complaint to absolutely everyone.
i loved the animation, so smooth, just like Nathanos the lord of Simps
Ladys and gentlement, the simp
Nathanos died and become Super Saiyan 2 in Shadowlands. Nice 🙂
Song Name?
nathanos is simping
i thought he got caught by bwonsamdi
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"WITH HIM, OF COURSE" – said Nathanos
This should be cannon XD
Why do I have the urge to replay this video until evening?
Sylvanas: "Fill me with your Anima Nathanos!"
haha!! LOL!
Hello here is Nathano's and I try to speedrun shadow lands while angry Elfs try to stop me. Can I be fast enough to simp for my Queen?
This is World of Warcraft Manhunt.
Also only 98% of Lordearons population is Forsaken, so if you are still a human pls get resurrected and join the forsaken. It's free and you can always change your mind later if you don't like it! 🙂
I thought this was an in-game cinematic when I clicked it
Ah Sylvanus and her faithful neckbeard. To think somebody out there wrote him and thought it was good is a proof IQ tests aren't being used efficiently.
Not expecting this but not disappointed
fake: he wanst fas enought
"My little PogChamp"
The Simp Lord returns
Meanwhile Sylvanas getting banged by the Jailer XD
I showed you my bow…. pls respond
Oh gawd I haven't laughed this hard in years!
I love the Dream's Speedrun Music. Nathanos doing Speedrun to Sylvanas!