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Let’s take a look at what’s coming in The War Within, as well as a change that’ll make WoW far more comfortable to play!
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What if you're afraid of spiders and crabs?
Camera changes are missing the most important feature, change the alpha/make invisible items between the camera and character
They need to make the raid markers themselves better, outline on the ground, possibly a vertical line rising up to the icon
plz put the camera fix in classic too!
They should definately use AI to uprez all pre WoD armor sets. It's jarring to find the perfect armor for a mog, but to looks jank because of it's old texture.
Spellbook needs a search bar.
When questing together, my group of friends always places the old classic target markers over everyone's heads so we can keep up with whos who and where. So any clarification ui changes are awesome imo.
I fucking hate the new talent window size and therefore also the new spell book… Just put them on the left hand side like in vanilla so you have can several windows open at the same time or at least see your character.
When do we get the pathfinder map toy for Dragonflight?
Lol, but what about the person, who has a spider- & crabphobia…? Can they toggle them to puppies or so?
W changes
When did you start telling us the news like a bobble head? You look like youre checking to see if you missed a spot shaving.
why are you talking about some of these features as if they are new? been in the game for years
Character outline looks like a crutch. The problem is not that the character is not distinguished enough. The problem is that the game is visually cluttered, it has to have less spells, less effects, slower pace, etc. As well as game supporting addons that people use in a way they break their own scene awareness. But hey, adding outline is easier isn't it?
@Bellular – Ok bud, we're gonna have to have the talk. Just embrace the head you got and get rid of whatever you're trying to do with your hair. You can do it. Have the confidence to be you. No need to hide whatever. Life it too short. Just let it go and drop the worry. 🙂
Why TF are we STILL doing Pathfinder?!?
Fucking hell
Is it possible to see the silhouette through trees etc.? Would fit well with those camera changes.
Holy shit the camera change is BIG BIG BIG
"When you sat on your glasses…" 😅 Yeah, same here!! Great video, thank you as always.
Didn't that Cata classic upscale feature never actually make it to the live game?
finally a camera fix! that's been a really annoying problem for me
The new spell book looks awesome. I find it to be a perfect upgrade as is, the spacing is not a problem for me
i dont want to need addons, is it possible ?
The worst part about Dragonflight imo was the quest/world quest vomit on your map when you hit 70.
For the love of God, tell me they aren’t replacing the Arachnid Quarter … with crabs 🦀 😂
I old. But the character silhouette options will make raids easier for me to keep track of my location and focus.
Still waiting for totems to be updated in looks…
They should make it possible to change the backdrops because they are now taking away all the very unique back drops for classes/races like demon hunter or deathknight… i would very much prefer those art styles over some little campfire
Map Updates are awesome!
So now that one toon can collect all transmog appearances, what's going to stop anyone from needing every item in raids? Especially casual players who do lfr, are they removing the roll system? I'm confusion
Not sure who thought that covering your entire screen to look at your abilities was a good idea 🙁 I tend to be travelling when im looking at that and now you have to stand still.
still no map searchbar
in beta messing around with this stuff. my only concern not mentioned here is that for the aura and target reticle for your character i wish u could change the color of the highlight. i dont have colorblindness but as i aged i noticed some mixtures of colors are hard to see for me.
Where do you get the clean icons pack?
Lgtbq crabs 🦀
Is it me, but I been playing SOD all the time and I stepped over to panda mix and it seems like pressing skill buttons are so unresponsive. Takes several times for the buttons to cast spells or skill?
Love this sort of stuff.
Hardly missing is a Macro "extension" or better a complete Overhaul of it!
Character Macros need to be Extended to 50+ and Spec-Specific Macro Pages are needed!