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With Shadowlands Patch 9.1 there is a new Legendary quality crafting material. These are going to be in high demand for crafting Legendarys come season 2.
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LOL if this is true, its very nice that i have 8 lvlv 60's with 210++ ilvl ready to collect!
Do you have a character with a maxed out mission table you can test? I don't, but I was thinking there would be a chance you'd see some high level missions for these like the Soul Ash missions.
Can you only get these on characters with a crafting profession, or can any character potentially get these as a reward? Thanks!
Going to reserve judgement on the supply of these until we know more about all the potential sources. I would be okay with them being hard to acquire in the few weeks between 9.1 deploy and season 2 start.
Their origin and availability should change before the patch actually comes live. They certainly need to be more numerous or legendaries are going to go for ridiculous prices. It would also waste our time if everyone needs to provide their own mats to get a legendary of their choice: back to vanilla days, standing in SW to add enchanting to gear for hours rather than playing the game.
Great video, thanks for the info! I'm curious if crafters will need the rank 4 recipe to craft the new base items (250/260) or if you can make an 190 base item into 250/260.
Somebody knows if will be a new Veiled Augment Rune?
@manthieus Coud you make video with your new custom price sources? plz
I think they would go for as much as an boe
why blacksmithing need 20 of new crafting reagent and other prffescions need only 1?