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Asmongold Reacts to: The War Within – Shadows Beneath
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
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lol, and i do not mean the game
looks like shit for all of the obvious reasons.
Yeah that sh*t is sick.
What in the DEI was that?! One cripple, one dwarf and one avatar acolytewitch
I feel like this was more like a Diablo cinematic.
bro the new star wars is wild
worst trailer yet. this doesn't feel like wow to me at all.
You guys must be crazy. This is the coolest cinematic in years.
So glad I haven't done pre order on this thing
the most boring cinematic of all times
They literally make better cinematics than games :')
It wasn't a good cinematic. There's a black woman in there, when have we ever seen such a character in WoW? It's clear that they've put her in there for RACIAL INCLUSIVENESS purposes. There's nothing wrong with any type of race obviously but why'd they do that? How does that tie into the WoW story/universe? Someone tell me please 😀 Anyway, if you've noticed, we have no male figures in there, only females. The only male is a dwarf who's not a human, but an iron dwarf. Can we come to a common agreement that the original heroic figure is that of a male? At least… isn't that the most common thing to see? Call me crazy 😀
Also, this cinematic was a lot cheaper to produce. The animations were relatively easy, the hardest was probably the dance of that troll/night elf or whatever it was. Everything else was just… dull. Static. Particle effects. Made by students?? Idk. I did 3D so I have an idea of what I'm saying. Another thing to note is that this trailer gives more Diablo vibes than WoW vibes. In short, it sucks.
Anything good about the trailer? Well, I'd say the Nerubian part, the arachnid woman was really cool, the one with many eyes, and the short clip of the view of the Nerubian city. Other than that, it's meh.
people complain about woke&DEI but guess what people will buy this exspansion and turn a blind eye becuase its WOW and they have played for years😂 and these trailers ar nothing but bait/hype trailers but somehow people keep falling for them
I mean…it looks good and all but this is a cinematic for WOW, a game that looks and plays like a PS2 game…so who cares?
World of gay craft
Still no regrets I stopped playing. However it's sad to see they not only don't learn from their mistakes but keep going with the most stupid decisions ever.
Only dung-eaters are happy about it.
Новый wow хуйня! Играйте в классик, это все что у нас осталось. =(
Looking like Diablo + Avatar cinematics, I don't know 😕
Can't wait to pay for the expansion of the expansion of the expansion.
If only the graphics would look like that..
black disabled female paladin dude its what we all wanted. probably lesbian too
that is the most underwhelming and out of touch trailer "blizzord" has ever put out for the warcraft IP
Thats what wow needed! A one eyed one armed black stereotype lesbian fighting the giant smurfs of avatar.
thats it?
this expac is gonna be the nail in the coffin for this game..
World of dei-craft
Kinda looks like Disney woke shit tbh.
Seems like a new trailer for a Star Wars game or tv show made by Disney.
After the first years of WoW I started thinking that they are just using up the characters and storylines from Warcraft 3. Everything new was cliche and boring. Now they seem to have put all existing story in the garbage. This trailer had no recognizable characters or story at all, could have been for any new mobile game. Good on them for noticing it was trash, I guess.
Less is more sometimes 😂 didn’t hate it tho.
Wod trailer gives me goosebumps no matter how many times i watch it
I was waiting for the troll and the 1 armed lesbian to start singing…
🎶 The power of 1
🎶 The power of 2
🎶 The power of manyyyyy
This actually looks like the death of wow.
I love ho they pretend that ahe can fit that armor on with on hand while she definitely cant lol
hm its like diablo trailer
am still waiting for the day the graphic get some improvements
Yas Queen, yaaas