You and your friend take a trip to goldshire inn #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft

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9 thoughts on “You and your friend take a trip to goldshire inn #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft”

  1. Back in WoD, me and my two friends decided that we would check out Moonguard. We heard rumors about how icky it was. Nothing could have prepared me for what awaited us.

    The three of us all made matching NE females and we all called ourself "Mylune" at first we would wait by the spawn point and all rub up on people and dance next to em. It was funny and a few people /facepalmed πŸ˜‚

    What came next though was enough to make me leave that server and never come back. We made our way to Goldshire, and lo and behold, there was over 100 people sitting there RPing. I heard stories about the "fence" in the inn, so I decided to check it out. Inside was a line of people "in the buff" doing icky things for gold, and in the basement was a Worgen, who proceded to RP with one of my friends. They went out to the back and I won't tell you what that Worgen did, but it chased me out of that server for good lol πŸ˜‚


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