Nobbel: Recording Dragonflight Beta! – World of Warcraft

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Recording dragonflight beta..for the lore!


21 thoughts on “Nobbel: Recording Dragonflight Beta! – World of Warcraft”

  1. @11:11 I really hate that blizz has put casual players just collecting transmogs and toys. I know a lot of ppl didn't like the grinding for artifacts and HOA but that was the only gear I had control on upgrading as a casual (until patches give better loot from WQ or vendor). I only do LFR, only run dungeons for quests (no mythic) and I've only done a little PVP (though in vanilla I made it to knight-captain). But times have changed, and I don't enjoy PVP anymore. Mostly because I suck at it.

    Hopefully the professions/dragon riding will provide some grinding outside of endgame to improve gear.

  2. I need a Pokedex for the dragons. I started in Cata (Dragonsoul onwards) and don't read quest text. I have sinned against the Lore God. Please forgive me and do "How to [Identify] Your Dragon" like video so I know who I am looking at in DF. I would really appreciate it and I think it would be great timing with the announcement of the date. Thank you Lore God for hearing me. May praise be to the roller of R's.

  3. You're missing any game current before legion before wod, what was in game what was there raids dungeons. I love leveling and I take my time doing it and I love laughing at those who think to get to in game as fast as you possibly can because that's when the game starts I love hearing the whine about nothing to do. I do hope there is stuff to do but I have no sympathy for those who race to the end and then have nothing to do

  4. Their best bet is to have Anduin wake up and everything since the end of legion was just a dream, with Nazoth giving it to him. He has to alter that course of time. They can even make suddlenwow type jokes about it.

  5. I think these are some of the worst looking sets I have seen in this game. Very blan. Makes everyone look like rock people. Nothing looks like actual armour. Some of the minor non raid their sets look decent but the raid sets look horrible. Thank god for transmog. Looks like another expansion I will be sporting Eagletalon on my hunter for another expansion.

  6. If Raszageth first opened the vault upon her escape; the incarnates would have likely won. Raszegeth was the "strongest" incarnate. Iridicron said her overconfidence was her downfall. She wanted to fight and win against the aspects herself. Then wake her kin to the future she ushered in.


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