Nobody can afford video games today #gaming #starwars #blizzard #shorts

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40 thoughts on “Nobody can afford video games today #gaming #starwars #blizzard #shorts”

  1. Seeing a lot of people not realizing there is a major lack of regional pricing. What is $70 to you is $150 or more to someone else.

    Make the argument for inflation, tell me how comfortable you would be spending $110+ on games that rarely meet the investment, launch buggy, launch with features locked behind higher priced bundles.

  2. I grow up playing alot of f2p game and I think it's still king for multiplayer game. BUT, the problem is all this AAA company making f2p life service game price their micro transaction like a Macro transaction full price game and NOT snack price item (tipping price)

  3. the people to blame here are the gamers. if we simply stopped giving these companies money they will stop doing this shit. I dont blame the companies i blame us. (i haven't paid full price for a game in YEARS)

  4. 70 dollar games are 7 to 10k Rupees in india…
    Only very few are 5-6k which should be the correct regional pricing.
    Not to mention 5k Rupees is a month of groceries for a family of three .
    10k Rupees will get you a Motorola smartphone with 5g , 128 gb storage and 8 gb ram in India.
    So yeah it's even more expensive here

  5. The fact of the matter is people BELIEVE games should be more expensive than 10 or 20 years ago. However, most games are digital downloads and don't take up any warehouse space and doesn't need to be distributed at stores(except for xbox and playstaion which pc player have to subsidize because consoles are sold at a huge loss). On consoles game should be like $100 for a physical copy; but for pc it should still be like $60 for those very reasons. I cant even remeber as a PC player the last time i bought a physical disc in the last 10 years or more. Physical copies need to be 100 and digital downloads should be $60 or less. Also games are released before they are finished and should be discounted to like $50. If there is a day one patch to fix MAJOR BUGS then it should even be less. The whole video games industry is F**KED. As far as tipping only people working below minimum wage jobs like servers, bartenders, delivery drivers, and etc in the service industry should be tipped NO ONE ELSE

  6. I rather sail the seas and play games that is worth my money and time than buy a game that is $100+ for a game that is either mid or not good (I dont blame you game devs, artists or sound designers, I blame the company high ups with greed). I dont have enough money to even pay the bills and food, I and many people are just goin day by day slowly to save up. NEVER support companies with stupid price increase

  7. This is just another reason that Warframe is my favorite game. Indie games, too, as the developers oftentimes just want to share a project with friends, and they know what they've made. They're consciously aware of their work, so they sell it at a fair price. Fuck AAA developers.

  8. Let's put it in perspective. Star Wars Outlaws costs More than I spend on food, self care and related shopping a month. That in itself is outrageous. Then you consider that I spent about the same money on an indie title with DLC over the course of 10 years and clocked over 5000 hours in it. Where is the value?

  9. only giants publishers are doing this shit cuz of that now indie games scene is thriving. More and more
    small studio games are selling like hotcakes like palworld , letthal company and recent on is helldivers 2 no AAA games are touching them.

  10. I can afford it, but still don’t see the value. I paid $60 for Diablo 2 and played that game for like 10 years. Most of these new games bore me after a week or so.

  11. It just isn't sustainable, the more people who can access a product based on cost the broader the audience that can afford it, the more successful said thing will be. I think it's why these smaller titles have been extremely successful lately.

  12. 60 dollars back in the day made sense, considering you were buying a disc and box with a small manual. Physical stuff that needed to be created, manufactured and shipped.

  13. … or you could wake up tomorrow realize it's 2024 and become a late adopter to everything and get it on steam for 50-80% off. Things are expensive because of the person in the mirror. Choose to afford it or don't. The choice is yours. Needs vs wants… video games are not needs.

  14. Gaming industry got broken when launched on the internet, releasing unfinished games, early acces games, pre-orders, topping them off with dlc's, battle passes and other stuff, why not take it to the next level…. "vote with your wallet" don't like it, don't support it by buying it. Like it? Buy it.

  15. asking if you are the only person notice that the "vast majority of people" can't afford it… sounds kinda ignorant. no, us who can't afford it noticed too. believe us

  16. I grew up with games being priced at 60 Cheeseburgers (yes, lets calculate with the cheapest food unit). One introdction of the Euro and 30 years later I am paying about 25 cheeseburger for a game.

  17. The thing is, Sweet baby inc. is a 3rd party consulting company. So rather then tightening their belts and focusing on making the game better, people who hire consulting companies are wasting money on something that is wholey unnesseary thereby making the game more expensive to make.


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