Nostalgia done Right! The War Within – Echoes of Azeroth Reaction

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17 thoughts on “Nostalgia done Right! The War Within – Echoes of Azeroth Reaction”

  1. it's insane that i had never seen most of these cinematics, and pre-date announcement, I've been on the cinematic jorney with you, so it was all so fresh because of you! Talk about a channel blooming something awesome within you.

  2. The one armed woman is Faerin Lothar from the Arathi Empire. She is one of the main new characters from the new expansion and she guides us through Harrowfall. Maybe you have noticed, that she has pointed ears. It seems like the humans and elves did spend some time together 😉

  3. Not sure if you mention this as I'm typing it as I'm watching, but the scene of Varian thrusting his sword down and it cuts to the pillar of Light called down by Anduin, as if it's the father's sword empowering him!

  4. Is it just me, or does the new part of the cinematic that comes after all the nostalgia-farming from the old great cinematics really poor? It looks like they outsourced a mobile gacha game to do the last part. Xal'atath looks so plastic and unrealistic with way too much focus on the cool lighting, which granted, does look cool, but doesn't completely hide the poor quality of the rest.

  5. It's the 20th anniversary of the MMO side of World of Warcraft this year. Which makes it pretty cool that they did a montage showcasing all the previous expansions that have happened during that time. The lady dancing with the light is a new race that we'll meet in TWW.

  6. So you asked about the blue troll looking character, in the lore the night elves evolved from the Trolls when they settled near the well of eternity. The dancing character is the in between race of night elf and troll before they became full blown night elves. This transformation happened long before Azshara made the deal with N'zoth in that one cinematic when she was underwater. None of the games we've player have been set in that timeline.

    The rock dwarf looking dude is a near race of earthen that spent thousands of years taking care of forges that were slammed into the planet by the titans and their keepers.

    The person with the missing arm is new to most of us and we wont really know much until he game releases although there is some information online.

  7. Xal, she/it is an entity that's well enough old enough to have witnessed all of these events from behind the curtains. She's the red thread that's always been there yet unseen.
    She's a Meta character, on par with what possibly was created BEFORE the titans. She's in for the endgame power, seeking to harness our world soul's power, just as Sargeras was when he struck Azeroth with his gigantic sword.

  8. Xala'tath is a Evil Void spirit like creature that was trapped inside a Black empire sacrificial dagger by the Old God's we first encountered her in Legion with the Shadow Priest Artifact weapon who manipulated her way to being freed by N'Zoth. Her current body is a Corpse of a Elf girl she took over. She is such a good Villain of pure Evil.


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