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The city of Oribos serves as the crossroads of the Shadowlands. Here, mortal souls are judged by the Arbiter before being sent to their final destinations, and shadowy denizens swap gossip and anima—the soulborn essence that fuels the Shadowlands.
Oribos is in the care of the Attendants, mysterious beings who were created to tend to the Eternal City and ensure the Arbiter carries out her duties without interruption. Their decisions are guided by “the Purpose,” the belief that the Shadowlands follows a pattern laid out by the Arbiter in her infinite wisdom.
From her sacred chamber atop the very crown of Oribos, the Arbiter has judged every mortal soul crossing into the Shadowlands since the dawn of time. But now, instead of being shepherded to their deserved fate, all souls are flowing past the dormant Arbiter and hurtling directly into the horrors of the Maw. The desperate Attendants have sought in vain to unravel this mystery, causing some to question their own unwavering faith in the Purpose.
Text above is part of the official zone preview
Original thumbnail artwork by Jimmy Lo
Music composed by David Arkenstone (Oribos, The Eternal City, The Purpose, The Way, In-Between, Calculated, Opulence, Revelation), Neal Acree (Revelation, Ubroken Will), and Glenn Stafford (Unbroken Will)
0:00 Oribos Intro
1:02 The Eternal City A
3:35 The Way D
5:47 The Purpose B
8:02 Revelation A
9:39 In-Between A
11:08 Unbroken Will Ambient E
13:19 Calculated H
17:28 Opulence H
19:27 The Purpose C
21:37 The Way C
23:48 The Eternal City B
26:15 Revelation C, H
29:13 Oribos B
30:15 Unbroken Will Ambient A
31:11 The Purpose D
33:18 The Way A
35:20 The Eternal City E
37:04 Calculated B
41:12 Opulence A, C
45:36 In-Between B
47:01 The Eternal City D
48:52 The Purpose E
51:03 Unbroken Will Ambient D
53:08 Oribos A
54:42 Revelation B
56:17 The Way H
58:18 The Eternal City H
1:00:51 Opulence B
1:03:01 Calculated C
1:07:23 The Way B
1:09:33 Ubroken Will Ambient C
1:10:21 The Purpose H
1:12:27 The Eternal City C
1:14:15 The Way E
1:16:17 In-Between C
1:17:43 Oribos C
#oribos #shadowlands #warcraft
A good sendoff for the Shadowlands expansion. Goodbye, and welcome Dragonflight.
omg you're back!!!
When Shadowlands Classic?
everness <3 so happy to see u
gonna miss my covenants won't miss the xpac tho overall had fun in some spots
It's nice to see the sky the way it's meant to be.
This has nothing on vanilla.
Looks like someone resubscribed.
Good to see your compilation again
Let’s go it’s finally here!!!!
Happy to see more of your work! Hope you're doing fine
One of the worst expansions, even music wise majority of older expansions are superior, its sure not bad but old expansions are better
Im glad I skipped this trash expac
The only ambience video that gives me ptsd.
Hello there, happy to see you back !
Whatever lies ahead, may WoW's music always help us remember the good times we had in the game.
Guild wars music would also be great for this kind of videos. Especially jeremy soule’s work on the first games
Rest in piece you lifeless husk of a city
The excellent Everness, back at it again! Thanks for this.
What I love about this area is the transition music from Oribos to the covenant realms. Each one is fantastic
Really sad that you deleted most of the Skyrim and Oblivion 10-hour / rainy soundtracks recently… I listened to those a whole lot, they helped me relax and sleep 😢
Goodbye, Shadowlands.
I am glad to see a new video Arthur. I love your work!🖖
I quit WoW during Battle for Azeroth but this compilation is very beautiful. Glad to hear the music is still awesome. I hope we get a compilation of Burning Steppes/Searing Gorge/Blackrock Mountain someday.
Everness, I love your work. But I had to spend far too many hours sitting in this airport of a zone XD. I am not revisiting that.