Shadowlands Rogue Covenants: Which one is best for YOU? (Covenant Ability and Covenant Soulbinds!)

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This is hands down the longest video I’ve made so far because it was originally going to be a 3 part series, but with Shadowlands literally right around the corner I figured I’d just get all this information to you folks as quickly as I could. I hope it’s helpful to you! This video will go over the covenant abilities of all 4 covenants for us rogues, as well as explaining the pros and cons to each covenant and their soulbinds for our playstyle and performance.

Community Discord?!?

All of my WeakAuras I made for my personal UI:

0:00:00 Introduction
0:00:46 Overview
0:01:40 Covenant Balance
0:02:41 New Patron! ^^
0:03:14 Echoing Reprimand Overview (Kyrian)
0:04:55 Serrated Bone Spike Overview (Necrolord)
0:06:24 Sepsis Overview (Night Fae)
0:08:42 Flagellation Overview (Venthyr)
0:10:24 Spec Discussion Overview
0:11:37 Night Fae Assassination (Single Target)
0:12:25 Necrolord Assassination (Single Target)
0:12:54 Kyrian Assassination (Single Target)
0:13:37 Venthyr Assassination (Single Target)
0:14:50 Night Fae Assassination (Mythic+)
0:15:50 Necrolord Assassination (Mythic+)
0:16:24 Kyrian Assassination (Mythic+)
0:16:36 Venthyr Assassination (Mythic+)
0:17:21 Night Fae Outlaw (Single Target)
0:18:33 Necrolord Outlaw (Single Target)
0:19:07 Kyrian Outlaw (Single Target)
0:20:07 Venthyr Outlaw (Single Target)
0:20:57 Night Fae Outlaw (Mythic+)
0:21:56 Necrolord Outlaw (Mythic+)
0:22:50 Kyrian Outlaw (Mythic+)
0:23:33 Venthyr Outlaw (Mythic+)
0:24:39 Night Fae Subtlety (Single Target)
0:25:42 Necrolord Subtlety (Single Target)
0:26:19 Kyrian Subtlety (Single Target)
0:27:06 Venthyr Subtlety (Single Target)
0:27:35 Night Fae Subtlety (Mythic+)
0:28:17 Necrolord Subtlety (Mythic+)
0:29:48 Kyrian Subtlety (Mythic+)
0:30:37 Venthyr Subtlety (Mythic+)
0:31:33 Recap/Outro

If you have any comments, questions or concerns, feel free to message me here or on my Twitter account for the channel @ZeraTheRedRogue.

If you liked this video or the channel in general, I’d infinitely appreciate you informing any folks you know that would like this too. You don’t have to, of course, but it’d be super awesome if you did. ^^
If you are interested in helping support the Shiba Shenanigans, maybe become a patron of mine? Thank you so much for your time and consideration. ^^-

As always- This is The Red Rogue, and I’ll see you guys around.

*Okayest Rogue in North America is subject to debate and might be less than or more than Okayest at any given time.

Thanks a ton to the folks who run Bloodmallet, as they give so much information to the community at no charge at all. Support them if you’re able to, or at least spread the word of their useful content to the rest of our community.

Much appreciation for the fine folks at for the wealth of knowledge they give to the community.

Much appreciation to Shane Ivers – for his musical piece “The Buccaneer’s Haul” Which I used a portion of after adding a couple sound effects from WoWHead.


42 thoughts on “Shadowlands Rogue Covenants: Which one is best for YOU? (Covenant Ability and Covenant Soulbinds!)”

  1. A DISCLAIMER: a LOT of this can still change, as we're still seeing soulbind tuning even just a few days before the launch of Shadowlands, but this should give you all a good idea of the direction we're going in as of literally right now when I make this video, and just so you have an idea of how the covenants interact with each spec in various forms of content. Have a lovely day. <3

    You'll notice I mention Wild Hunt Tactics+First Strikes often, both are super strong in mythic+ so I wouldn't be surprised if that gets dropped down, as I mention in a couple parts of the video. ^^;

    X______x This was a very long to video to make. lol I hope at least some of this information proves useful to you folks. I segmented the video out since I covered a lot of topics in it, but I'll leave the major timestamps here so you can find the general sections a bit easier.

    0:00:46 Overview

    0:03:14 Echoing Reprimand Overview (Kyrian)

    0:04:55 Serrated Bone Spike Overview (Necrolord)

    0:06:24 Sepsis Overview (Night Fae)

    0:08:42 Flagellation Overview (Venthyr)




  2. I totaly hyped for shadow lands. I looking forward for the opening event. Also its is the first time wehre I am not in anny raid gorup and can finaly take my time and do every side quest instead of rushing to max level ^^

  3. You're really treating us with these videos. We really appreciate your work! I feel ready to dive into shadowlands with my outlaw rogue main, while I, for now, will keep leveling my alt's. Was thinking of playing a resto druid or shaman to spice things up a bit. Cheers mate

  4. Nice to see that sub and night fae are a good match, im soooooo hype to get black powder and just pocket sand all the enemies that i can. Very, VERY good video my guy, we can see the amount of love and effort that you put these videos and that makes all of us proud to be sneaky bois along side you 🙂

  5. Perfect, exactly the information I was looking for! although I’m not too keen on the visuals of the nightfae in general, it beats the idea of being an angelic rogue going kyrian 😁. For me, it will be Sub and Nightfae 👌

  6. Well I got say big tyvm for this video I was dreading having go kyrian on undead sub rogue but noti can go ventyr and feel much better about it not mention i played on beta since it came out and really enjoy ventyr and meldraxxas. So again tyvm for helping see the good thing in the covenant choices

  7. KILLING IT! This is the perfect video going over both ST and Mythic+ for every scenario. People will look back a ton in this vid throughout the beginning of the expansion. I like Kyrian Sub ST, but the AOE loss just doesn’t seem worth it. Might do venth just for transmog purposes lol. Get some rest!

  8. Thanks for making this Red Rogue, very comprehensive. For WPvP, where I'm just trying to get the most pure burst damage in the first stun lock, I believe Nightfae is probably the best? With the crit +25% chance at start of fight and Sepsis doing a big chunk of damage itself? Do you think that's right?

  9. Thx for the video, was very helpfull😊
    First things first: get some sleep, you look pretty tired ❤️

    And second: I still have one question. Which of the covenants is the best performer when you wanna do raiding and Mythic+ as Sublety Rogue? Or (if that's even possible), what would be the best one for raiding as Sublety and Mythic+ as Outlaw?

    (if that was answered, sorry I missed it☹️)

  10. Great vid a always:)
    Can u summarize in which case u would choose wich cov? For example I will go mainly M+ with friends but also like hc raiding and a lil bit of rbg an arena as well.. so I guess it's outlaw or sub (if strong enough) for m+ and sub for the rest cause i like it most 😅 but how on earth can I figure out which cov would be the best over all for like all types of content 🙈🙄

    Anyhow, keep up ur great work ✊😁

  11. Thank you for the slightly dark humor 🙂

    Hooray for less than a week!
    Hooray for all the rogue covenants!
    Hooray for the glorious Red Rogue and the incredibly montaged and narrated and processed video!

  12. Lol I watched the entire video but I’m a idiot and didn’t understand some things =/. So what is the best convenant and legendaries for sub rogue? For mythic plus that helps both aoe and single target

  13. This video was SO good :O
    Never heard of you before, but this is a instant sub from me. So much work into something that will change very quickly is awesome. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Good to see that we (rogues) have a free choice in St-situations. I'm just a bit sad that the multitarget meta will be so nightfea-dominant, if not changed.

    Personally, I'm a assassination-fanboy and I will try to stick to it no matter what. As a main raider, i will most likely go with necrolords. That's because I really like the idea of the bonespikes; it sclaes with assa-mastery, helps the slow pace with some combopoints and will hopefully shine a bit in encounters with large-hp adds or council-type of fights. I also like the emenitrait from necrolords, because it gives me a perfomancebuff that also supports surrounding teammates a bit. That is important to me, because rogues don't bring much to the table in regards to that, in comparison to most other melees. Also, I think it will be very valueble, because with a 30s cooldownability that starts at 3 stacks in the fight, we can do a very high uptime on it, awesome!
    As it stands right now, blizz HAS to buff assassination quite a bit. Sadly, I don't see it become viable again in m+ or aoe in general. Without echoing blades and shrouded suffication, it won't be the same anymore. Also, slice'n'dice really holds aoe with assa back in my oppinion.

    So, im thrilled to go into SL and have fun with my Necrolords. I really hope, I don't feel forced to go nightfea for m+, because they seem so dominant in it, especially with the crit-legy (mark of the master assassin) combined with 10% more dmg at targets over 75% hp from nightfea soulbind. While also strong in ST, it would mean nightfea has no niches. That is the only balanceproblem I see right now für rogues.

    Again, thank you really much for your insights! Looking forward to more videos from now=) <3

  14. You have out done your self with this video and all the information provided, this has helped me decided which covenant to go for, very much appreciated! Where is my pvp content coverage?! Nah im kidding, know you dont like to mingle in those pesky details and leave it up to other content creators to cover in more depth. Cant wait to play SL and all the new mythic dungeons 🥳😎 we almost there!!!


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