Patch 9.2 Music – Shadowlands Eternity's End Soundtrack

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Shadowlands Eternity’s End Music

#Shadowlands #Music #Soundtrack


34 thoughts on “Patch 9.2 Music – Shadowlands Eternity's End Soundtrack”

  1. I notice new versions of tavern music towards the end of the video. Also, another piece reminding me of Karazhan. There is also another piece of the Boralus song but with an edgy twist, maybe broker modified. VERY INTERESTING

  2. 44:30 onwards.

    I could be completely wrong here, but I swear that this section and the music straight after are similar to the music played during the Faerie Dragon event in the Whispering Forest in Tirisfal Glades. I wonder if they're connected in any way as we've never actually known why the Faerie Dragons gathered at a ring of mushrooms.

  3. The music and art are pretty much the last reserves of compliments I have for this game. Hopefully Microsoft will do better with blizzard but as of now. I have no intention of returning.

  4. I am 100% convinced the songs at the end are from future xpac. I am not believing Blizzard paid the orchestra to release remakes of old music just for fun. Instead I think they recorded the music for future just so the orchestra doesn't have to have 2 recording batches or sessions, but only one.

    Edit: nvm they actually did release this much music for one patch, wtf

  5. Very interesting sounds. It sounds different from what we've already heard til now. I'm so excited to walk through ZM and the Sepulcher. After months of Maw and Korthia, I need some colorful environments.


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