Player Housing Is Finally Coming To World of Warcraft

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25 thoughts on “Player Housing Is Finally Coming To World of Warcraft”

  1. I just want to point out FF14 isn't the golden standard for housing. I never got around to experiencing FF14s housing, but I've had friends tell me about it, and it sounds like a shite system. Plus the neighborhood thing far predates it. Lord of the Rings Online and Dark Age of Camelot have/had the neighborhood things with their housing. DaoC I think had a far better one, because it was a massive zone with several small clusters of houses in different locations. LotRO has the neighborhoods as fairly decent sized zones, with large, medium, and small houses/properties all over in their zone. So here's hoping Blizzard at least copies a good system and not a bad one if they do it, but only time will tell.

  2. I love collecting things – all the things… I'll collected everything for the house all the furniture, items, etc. – but I'm not expecting it to be good.
    It's not going to be like how I've wished it to be for the last 10+ years…
    It's probably not going to be that much better than garrisons.. cause all the talking points garrisons had are the same ones I'm already hearing people be excited for…
    and it didn't work out then and I don't have many expectations for it to work out for this now..

  3. im expecting everything to be a pain in the ass to get like the new "customizable" mounts….. aka unfun get shit all to start with, play other content you dont enjoy just to be able to customize a feature that should have been ingame 15 years ago. nothing should be tied in no professions no way to make money pure cosmetic ONLY, and there shoudl 100% be trophies that are earned like in garrisons the head of onyxia def should require you to go kill her, but there needs to be more content givin right away before earned content otherwise you cut off those doing it for fun without touching raiding pvp or m plus etc

  4. Calling it now: Player housing will just be Garrisons without the utility. Collection gallieries and trophy rooms for people to measure their e-peens. That's all they can be because game just isn't designed around anything else.

    It would and should be a hub for social interaction and player expression, but Blizzard always views themselves as the star of the show so it will have to be about their characters, their content and how important and great they are. Not you or your friends.

  5. It could potentially add a few new professions one being carpentry to make furniture to furnish the housing.
    Also add to others like tailoring and blacksmith's for certain items and components.
    Gathering like mining and skinning would benefit too.
    They could add artist as a profession in the same vein as fishing as more of a hobby than requirement.

  6. Id like to see housing in wow similar to housing in ESO or SWTOR, throw in new crafting skills like furniture / decorations and so on. Heck lets go nuts and let crafters level separately to combat ( not gonna happen but still something to dream about )

  7. While there is a slin chance this will be good there is alao a 100% chance that Blizzard is going to monetize the living ahit out of this. You thought the $90 mount was bad? Wait until $100, $200, and $300+ mtx for your housing.

  8. Bro, they are SO late to the party with this that all they need to do is copy/paste from better MMO's that have already done it.
    And I promise you that despite that, they will fuck it up. It's just inevitable.

  9. A place to craft, a place to have a trophy room, a ranch section for the mounts, an herb garden for potions? Get to maximum level for the current expansion, get a bare dirt estate in your race's start zone. Finish another quest chain, get access through a gate in every major city…something to "fuel" the gate? Make the estate totally freeform like building your own custom home.

    If they make it like garrison that was a required grind….. <spit> Having it as a part of a new professions module where you can allow a maxxed out toon to become an inventor of new magic items and potions.

  10. This makes no sense anymore. It made sense in vanilla-wotlk because many of those players played the RTS and felt immersed and connected to the IP.
    The world is dead. No one is running around, no one cares about the lore anymore. It’s a glorified hub game now. It doesn’t move the needle unless you RP.

  11. I already have a player housing in a Draenor zone. Why would I want another in a Midnight zone? How many hang around in the new Night Elf tree in Dragonflight that also should be evergreen?


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