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Its finally time to play WOW for the first time ever!!!
Tips and tricks are always appreciated in the comments enjoy the video!
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A few pointers: Press Shift when you are hovering over a piece of gear to do the compare versus what you have equipped. Shift B should also open all your bags. Press Esc, Interface, and you should explore in there a bit. I suggest turning on auto loot and turn on more bars for spells. The C-1 for your pet is control-1. So pressing control 1 performs that furthers left pet ability.
Oh and one more thing. If there is this slight pastel yellow donut looking shadow on the ground on an NPC, it is quest related.
This is absolutly amazing! I've binge watched your entire series and i cannot stop. It takes me back 16 years to when i was a kid playing this game 😀 Hope you have an amazing time in WoW and if you think the game is huge, just wait, it gets even bigger 😂
So you may or may not have picked up professions by episode 30 or wherever it your are recording currently, but i haven't seen anyone else comment about it and you did mention googling it being a todo so here's a nutshell explanation.
There is primary and secondary professions. Primary you can have 2 per character, secondary you can have all of them.
Secondary are: fishing (catch fish for cooking and some super rare swimming mounts), cooking (make food that gives you stat buffs for a while after eating it), archeology (dig around in a mini game and you get lore dumps as a reward and very rarely mounts, pets, toys).
Primary care either gathering or crafting. You can mix and match however you feel like.
Gathering are: skinning (peel the skin from a dead animal, used as raw materials for leatherworking), mining (dig up metals and raw gemstones, used as raw materials for blacksmithing, engineering, and jewelcrafting), and herbalism (pick flowers and other herbs, used as raw material for alchemy and inscription).
Crafting are: alchemy (make potions and other self buff consumables), inscription (make aesthetic still modifiers, staff weapons, probably the only "stay away from this beginners" profession), enchanting (makes your existing gear slightly better, you get raw materials for it by breaking other existing gear), jewelcrafting (cuts gems you can socket onto items with gem slots making them slightly better, makes rings and necklaces), tailoring (makes cloth gear (worn by priest, warlock, mage), and bags), leatherworking (makes leather gear (worn by druids, rogues, demon hunters, and monks) and mail gear (worn by hunters and shamans), blacksmithing (makes most weapon types, plate gear (worn by warriors, paladins, and death knights), engineering (makes guns and scopes, teleporters, bombs, and a large variety of unique knick knacks and toys).
Hope that helps. Don't worry what's optimal for your first character, just go with what sounds cool. You can always change it later.
32:17 good time to use feign death
Hey Omario. You can create more action bars in the interface action bars section.
You had me at "I hate portals":) Enjoying the playthrough, thanks!
You can use a gun or bow or crossbow. In classic you have to learn each but in this version you know them all. Also in classic you have to carry arrows or ammo which takes one of your bag slots.
Just hover over gear you want to compare while hitting shift key to compare it.
Hazing is what happens in military or college it usually means a group will pick on new people with some kind of prank or even violent acts. I have heard of people going too far and person has died from it.
It does not matter where you leave pet just revive anywhere and it comes back.
I noticed you have a letter on minimal. That means you have mail. Just find mailbox in town to check. Also you can go to boralus to portal to stormwind to learn faster mount and stable a couple of pets if you want to train new pets. And think about professions. All players can learn fishing and cooking. And you can learn 2 professions
How are you only lvl 19 after so many hours? 😀
I am watching this series because it brings back the feelings I had when I first started to play (end of TBC), the game was awe inspiring, so many quests, so much lore and of course the scenery and music as this creator states, it is easy to fall in love with. The thing that saddens me is some of the comments are taking on that tone of 'why don't you listen to us' vibe, instead of remembering how it is in the beginning of play. There is so much to learn and let's be fair the game is not so intuitive, how is he to know that using shift while hovering on an item compares stats? Yes people have mentioned things in comments (me too on a previous stream) but this is still a lot of information to process and remember, especially when trying a new game. New abilities arrive fast and it's not so easy to find out the optimal rotation (unless using an outside source like Icy Veins etc), this is besides all the myriad of details like the colour coding of gear, what are the optimal stats, we could go on and on. I am sure he will learn and probably at a decent pace, sadly I think that some of the negative comments are going to be what he encounters in game as he progresses towards end game in retail and why a lot of people no longer play. This 'go go' attitude and unwillingness to let new players learn at their own pace. If you don't know everything perfectly about your class/rotation/situational awareness etc. then you are seen as lazy or incompetent. I personally like the OmarioRpfGaming's approach, he seems to have a preference for the RP side and wants to immerse himself in the world, learn at a slower pace and enjoy what the game has to offer. Do I scream at the screen 'oh for god's sake use mend pet'? Of course I do and then I laugh to myself because I remember doing similar noob things on my druid (why didn't I use Ironfur) because I forgot haha. If we want somebody who knows/learns everything at breakneck speed and shows perfect gameplay, then there are many streamers that can cater to that need. Maybe the so called 'veterans' (myself included) need to immerse themselves in what this streamer is trying to convey to us, which is that wonderful naivety that we all had when first starting out and the enjoyment of experiencing a world we all fell in love with.
If you bull too many enemys just use feign dead or shadowmeld.
Yo bro u can add more skill tabs in options u can have 5more skill tabs
If the item says you haven't collected the appearance yet then please equip it so that you can add it to your collection. its applied account wide so you can use it for other characters as well.
You can heal your pet while in combat using Mend Pet. You can also use Exhilaration which heals you and your pet both
Are you using shift B to open your bags? Because I believe the default keybind is that Shift B only opens you main backpack, while B opens all your bags. And clicking on the backpack only opens the backpack (some goes for any other bag you click on).
Love your videos! But I've never seen anyone so reluctant to press buttons in the GUI. You've been hovering over the character panel and spellbook (bottom right, with tabs for both you and the pet) that would answer your questions so many times but you never click them! 😀
There is a poop quest in EVERY expansion. It's fun to go back and find them all.
Congrats on your decision to sub. I shall now sub to you since you are continuing with the game. I have several tidbits of advice now that you've decided to stick. Roll a bank alt. Join a guild. Learn profs and skills. Get bigger bags.
Roll a bank alt. You should now have an option to choose a race specific start zone instead of Exile's Reach. Though I would urge you to do every start zone at least once to experience the lore, for now just roll one toon for a bank alt. A human is easiest because the run from Northshire Valley to Stormwind is short and reasonably safe even at level 1. Pick any gender, class, name, and appearance. That doesn't matter. Players don't usually level a bank alt. Do the Northshire quest chain for grins and giggles if you like. New toons graduate from a racial start zone at level 5. When ready, run the toon to Stormwind City and set hearth at the inn (aka the pub). Park your bank alt in the Trade District for access to the bank, the mailbox, vendors, and the AH (auction house}. Your hunter can mail items to your bank alt to clear your bag space, to buy and sell on the AH, to purchase items from the vendors.
Join a guild. You gain perks with the membership. Faster hearth for one. Faster game mail is another. More important is to find yourself a guild that has a collection of heirloom gear. There are heirloom items for nearly every slot, including weapons. Heirlooms are often superior to quest gear and their stats automatically increase as you increase your game level. Heirloom gear can be enchanted and does not loose its worth until about level 50. You will also gain access to a guild bank though new members typically have restricted access to the goodies. Your bank alt can eventually obtain a guild bank to call his very own. It is not hard to do, lots more storage space.
Learn profs and skills. You will find trainers in Boralus. The skills are fishing, cooking, and archaeology. Learn all of them, especially the cooking. You were wondering why there is such a dearth of food in the game. Well dear noob, that is because you have not learned to cook. Keep a stack of food in your bags for a faster heal of your pet and a stack for yourself. Don't dither over which profession is best. Immediately grab two of the three gathering professions. These are herbing, mining, and skinning. You gain XP when you gather herbs, ore, or skins. You can switch to another prof later. If you never end up using the mats (materials) you have gathered, you can always sell them on the AH.
Get bigger bags. Last time I looked, max bag size is now 30 slots. YIkes. You still have a six slot. Buy from a vendor or the AH. Or find a Tailor that will craft them for you. You can usually get a better deal if you provide the mats. A nominal tip is expected when you engage a crafter. The tailor may want to make the exchange via the trade window (new thing for you to learn). Also ask the tailor to make you some bandages, very handy for healing your pet during a difficult fight. Your personal bank provides a bag tray with space for 7 bags. You will eventually want 7 bags for your toon bank and nice big bags for your bank alt.
When your toon dies, you must return to your corpse to resurrect. The mechanics are different for hunter pets. When your pet dies, you do not need to locate your pet's corpse. If you notice your pet is missing in action, simply summon the pet. If the pet is dead, you'll see an error to that effect appear on the screen. When that occurs, simply cast the revive spell. There is another peculiarity it is important you remember about your pet. They are programmed to follow you but they will take a different route when you make a sudden change in elevation. For example, if you jump off a bridge the pet will not jump after you. Instead, the pet will take a detour until it finds a pathway down to your location. That pet behavior can be disaster in a dungeon or raid group because your pet can aggro mob during its detour, pulling them to your unsuspecting group. That is a huntard move that can get you kicked from a group. Avoid the problem by your dismissing the pet before you take a leap and then summon after you land.
Just hit 'B' to open all bags. And equipment manager on charactrer window to compare gear and equip easily. I'm sure you've figured it out by now though, I'm about 32 episodes behind.
Just in case you haven't figured it out yet, doing dungeons is the quickest way to level plus you get decent gold and better items than from questing.
You dont have to have your pet next to you to revive it. You can be anywhere. So once your pet dies, just use revive pet to get it back. Also, you can use mend pet in the middle of combat. You constantly let your pet die while in combat because you dont heal it.
Again, this might come a little late but you can bind stuff like "shift+1" or "ctrl+1" so you don't have to click on abilities that are somewhat out of your reach.
wait until you discover all the addons and how huge the world of warcraft is
You need to turn your side hot bars on as well so you'll have more room
So refreshing watching a new player taking their time to discover, learn and enjoy this vast game. Enjoying your content 👍
LOL, looking for his pet to rez him, that made my day!
The priest who looked like a purple ghost gave you the power word buff when you did a couple of quests along side her she was a shadow priest great vids mate
"Officially subscribed"
Welcome to the prison.
13 here we come
right before you said you needed one more poster you passed a poster, you can revive your pet anytime regardless of where it died just use your pet revive button on your pet tool bar
Boy, you're a bit slow… :))