Playing World of Warcraft For The First Time | Let's Play World of Warcraft in 2022 | Ep 18

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Its finally time to play WOW for the first time ever!!!
Tips and tricks are always appreciated in the comments enjoy the video!

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47 thoughts on “Playing World of Warcraft For The First Time | Let's Play World of Warcraft in 2022 | Ep 18”

  1. Not sure if itโ€™s been said elsewhere, but you can heal/revive your pet while in combat. Your tenacity (tank) pets are going to take a lot more damage because theyโ€™re holding a lot of threat, so you need to keep an eye on their health during combat. Itโ€™s especially important to do so if you plan on โ€œchain pullingโ€ mobs (nonstop moving from one mob to the next to the next) so they donโ€™t die & leave you facing down all the mobs at once the second your pet dies.

    On my hunter, I have put the heal & feed buttons directly on my actionbar, that way I donโ€™t have to fiddle with the drop down menu in the middle of combat. You can do this from your spell book.

    Been enjoying the series, keep up the good work ๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. You don't need to create another character to play with a friend, there is a party sync features that scales you down to their level and you get appropriate XP and rewards!

  3. Nice playthrough ๐Ÿ™‚For the love of god, heal your pet. You have a spell that costs you nothing than a click to heal your pet, even during fights. You need to pay more attention for the Health of your pet after a fight. Often he got some dots on him and is in low health, and you jump to the next fight and wonder why he dies so fast.

  4. Hey brother, been loving seeing you get into this game I've been playing for 15 years lmao. So cool to see a new players perspective. I saw on your first video you were asking about what keybindings to use so I thought I could link you a video that I think goes through what I consider to be really good keybindings. I've played at the highest level of the game, used to be US top 40, and good keybindings are essential!

    don't focus too hard on the specific abilities he puts on the keys, its what makes sense to you, but I think the keybindings themselves are money and his system of keeping abilities organized I think will help you a ton!

  5. retail wow level 33 and there's no urgency to heal pet. back in the day, you can bearly kill a mob at your own level without pet, they even run from you if you don't give them food (and you have to go to the stable master to swap your pet).

  6. Hey love this playthrough! I see you're level 50 now so you probably know a lot of this by now, but just incase there's one you missed: Mend pet is a strong heal over time for your pet and Exhilaration heals your pet to full in a pinch. Casting misdirection on your pet before chain pulling (or as needed) causes all threat you make to go to your pet. Holding Shift while hovering over an item in bags brings up a comparison window. Hunters should only wear Mail, not leather (there's a passive bonus for wearing full mail armor set). Feign death and shadowmeld can both be used as an "oh shit" button to get mobs off of you. Revive pet is a short cast and can be used in combat to get your pet back in to the fight straight away. That's all for now! Thanks for the content!

  7. You will not last in later levels , You must keep your pet alive ,On the pet tool bar DRAG the healing icon onto your action bar its a paw , and use it in your shot rotation ,I have two on mine never have a pet die on me .

  8. – You need to heal your pet with Mend Pet often so it won't die. You can even do it while in combat, search for it in the pet action bar.
    – You can buy food in any town to heal yourself while eating (it takes a few seconds)
    – Remember you can use "Feing Death" when too many enemies are attacking you, it will instantly turn them back to your pet. And if you and your pet never attacked them in the first place, they will simply stop attacking you and go back to their places (just like Shadowmeld).

  9. Don't forget your defensives when you get too many mobs. Feigen death and shadowmeld will clear agro and reset mobs, aspect of the turtle to block attacks, aspect of the cheetah and disengage to get away, and of course your self heal.

  10. Really chaotic playstyle… you lure way too many monsters on you and your pets when you are clearly a 1v1 kind of class, and then you act surprised when pets die.
    You never mend your pets.. when i was playing BM all the job was done by pets I was just sitting back, throwing 1-2 shots, and healing them, and always go 1v1 with mobs and always loot.
    For me is painful to see you killing 1-2-3 mobs and then just leave … and leave all that gold and loot behind … in mmos im like a trash collecter, i loot everything.

    IF you continue to this playstyle, I strongly suggest you to give up BM and choose any of the other specializations ๐Ÿ˜€

  11. I think speech bubbles in little in-game "cutscenes" might not work properly if you click on the NPC too much. Each time you click on the NPC, they say something, which I think can override what they're supposed to be saying in the cutscene. And I think that's happened to you before with Cyrus Crestfall. So just chill and be patient with NPCs.

  12. I know I am a week behind at this point, but you really should level a horde character through the Battle for Azeroth content. Completely different stories and zones, and well worth it (though admittedly the Jaina story on BfA is definitely the strongest point of the expansion).

  13. I think you should play a Horde character also on Retail – to know a story from their side of view. They have completely different storylines and exping zones.

    Plus this expansion is about the war – and I think it is good to know both sides of it. ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Just a heads up: don't be a dick towards other players with your dueling requests. People will end up reporting you for harassment if you are not careful… (besides you aren't exactly being nice when you ask them).

  15. It might help to train in first aid and make bandages to help heal in combat.
    Five levels below? Like Ned Stark said to Jaime, "You choose your opponents carefully", lol.
    God, the leveling speed is out of control now. You'll hit cap before finishing the first zones.
    Tanking pets are going to die. A lot. "Just accept it, laddie" They kept you alive, and did their job. Revive and carry on.

  16. I am sooo sorry, TO YELL @ you. LEARN TO HEAL YOUR PET WHILE BATTELING MATE !!!!!!,…soz i just had to yell it @ u after watching 18 episodes :). Also in every episode u are complaining about HOW TO compare your gear in your inventory against what u are wearing ,….not ? TRY to find the freacking fucking SHIFT key on your keyboard. Soz if i come on a lil hard, but reallllyyyyyy it ain't to hard to just mouse over an item in your inventory and press SHIFT. ……:)

    BTW your vid's are crazy good man,…plzzz keep it up.


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