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World of Warcraft is a huge game and it’s only looking to get bigger with the release of its Shadowlands expansion right around the corner. Blizzard Entertainment packed a ton of cool Secrets and Easter Eggs into every single zone of their MMORPG, and this is equally true of the home of the Night Elf civilization Teldrassil . The location of the great city of Darnassus there is a ton to find in this Classic area. So, today, let’s cover the area from top to bottom to find all of its hidden worldbuilding, secrets, and environmental storytelling!
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0:00 – Intro!
1:00 – Melithar Staghelm
1:34 – Aldrassil’s Stuffed Bear
2:05 – Small Art
2:38 – Wounded Sentinels
3:06 – Yggdrasil the World Tree
3:39 – No Mining!?
4:11 – Looooooong Books
4:45 – Threggil
5:10 – Uruson
5:36 – A Boat Between Shorelines
6:08 – Blackmoss the Fetid
6:28 – Duskstalker
7:03 – Grimmaw
7:20 – Agal
7:34 – Fury Shelda
7:50 – Mist, a Hidden Quest
8:42 – A Dock in the Middle of Nowhere
9:19 – A Lake Hidden in the Mountains
9:52 – A Waterfall at the Edge of the World
10:58 – Sethir the Ancient, a Grumpy Satyr
11:40 – Hippogryph Eggs in Rutheran Village
12:23 – A Dock Destroyed During Days Gone By
12:55 – If a Tree Falls, and No One’s Around to Hear it…
13:36 – A Hidden Furbolg Village
14:11 – Elariel, the Rogue
16:22 – “Phloppy” Freehand / Ending!
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#WorldOfWarcraft #NightElf #Teldrassil #Shadowlands #wowclassic
I love how you narrate these videos. There are people who take notice of the fantastic artwork designers have meticulously put into the map scenes and names of players.
Would love to see the easter eggs in duskwood, or valley of the four winds.
would love to help if you need it too 🙂
I would love to see a video on the BADLANDS
2022 and people still link thunderfury, blessed blade of the windseeker in trade
Around here on your map
Did someone say 14:43 ?
I’ve been playing for a few years, and of course I know the meme, but I think this is the first time I’ve actually seen what Thunderfury (Blessed Blade of the Windseeker) looks like.
@10:37 Disagree. I've fallen off the side of Teldrassil into that branch many times while playing casually.
Nice video, thank you 🙂 You missed one rare silver-spider in the nort-west of teldrassil (next to Mist)
If I can remember back 17 years, healers had to heal NPCs in their starting area but funnily enough with bandages instead of healing spells. So any class could have done the quests.
It is my favorite place in wow I hope they will rebuild it
You missed out the the Daranuss Sentinels. The are two of them in Saranuss who are sleeping on duty. They are each behind a building. On is near the Howling Oak and the other is the same side of the Temple of the Moon in Daranuss.
i feel like Blizzard lost me a bit when they burned down Teldrassil, it was such an iconic place and it had so many memories, them removing it from the lore completely felt like a slap in the face to my childhood. No longer can you RP in Darnassus or Teldrassil or see it updated.
Not surprising an Alliance main would make so many mistakes and oversights in their analysis.
As a WoW player from the old days of vanilla, I have a soft spot for this zone. My very first character that I ever soloed with was a Night Elf Hunter. So everything about the zone is very nostalgic. That said, I knew everything in this video except the bit about Elariel. So you actually showed me something new which is fantastic! After playing this game for close to 20 years now it's nice that I can still be pleasantly surprised by something I never knew about. Cheers to you, Sir!
I few over Teldrassil so many times, including even recently in late '22 when my GF started playing so I can have the map explored for her, and completely missed that Nightsaber quest.
I'd call it a.. Mist opportunity 😐
3:10 All the Nelf trees are named after Yggdrasil.
3:34 Norse myth is all over the place in WoW, it's a fantasy game, of course it is. Nelfs are as close as WoW has to Dark Elves too and Dark Elves came from norse myth. The very concept of elves in general came from norse myth. Elves come from Álfheimr (aka Alfheim) and Dark Elves come from Svartálfheim.
11:36 He despawns?
12:51 The tree is still there, it can likely recover eventually. Anduin did promise to help with that, though he seemingly has yet to make good on said promise.
"And likely to get romantic", you have no idea. One day I was just exploring around and came across that first tiny lake with the dock/boat. I thought it was a cool little out-of-the-way area. And then I noticed a couple naked ERPers near the dock. I guess they were doing everything in whispers because there wasn't anything being said in /say. I can never pass over that lake without thinking about that surprise.
Very nice and nostalgic video. Thank you.
I would have added the rare fruit trees that are found towards the south. I think an NPC will look at the fruit and gather some information about the corruption of the tree.
Nothing from Darnassus?😄
I'm so happy i'm late to your channel cause i get to binge watch… your videos are so addicting!! keep up the good work! 😀
In classic I always had hell finding blackmoss especially since I didn't care to read much then, I mean I was a kid back then so why would I? Lol
Did someone say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?
Holy shyte is I had a dollar everytime I started that in trade chat, I'd very likely have somewhere between 250-500 dollars! 😅
I will never understand why they removed the amazing class based quests. Like who signed off on that? “Let’s remove all this incredibly interesting content that already exists, we don’t want people earning rewards for engaging with their class fantasy”. Uhhhh no? Instead They build systems around repeating stale content ad nauseam and remove any unique stuff. So frustrating.
Elune-adore! This was my very first starting zone and my main is still that very first night elf Druid 😭 So much nostalgia in this video. Thanks for this!
I just started playing WoW for the first time and decided I would play classic, I made a Night Elf Hunter and so far I am in love with Teldrassil. Your channel is wonderful by the way, I’m trying to absorb as much info as I can as a new and clueless player 🙂
Still my favorite zone in the entire game 😀
I can not wait until my kid gets a little older and brings home some Geography homework and asks me where something it…
“Alaska is around here, on your map.”
It will be a joke just for me
Darn. I thought that this video was Classic-oriented but it's not.
I would like to see an Ashenvale movie. Some of my fondest memories are of Teldrassil and Ashenvale, when I was a noob NELF Hunter, in late Vanilla. Was new to the game and spent months in these two areas leveling. I still get chills every time I hear the Ashenvale music. My first interaction with a GM was in this area, I was in awe… he showed up riding a dragon hovering, it's wings flapping, years before there were flying or dragon mounts. As great is the game is today… players in the last 10 yrs or so will never experience the connection to other players and GMs we had in the early years.
Can you do The Barrens?
Side note, can people really refuse life saving surgery? I thought doctors were obliged to always treat patients and extend their lives as much as possible, even by forceful treatment?
If only some narrative designers didnt burn it to the ground hihi
This is where I first stepped foot onto Azeroth.
After trying out the game for the first time at a friends house I met a very helpful player who taught me a bunch that first day.
I still think about them sometimes, even though I've long since forgotten their name..
I didn't think it would hurt this much seeing that tree burn..
I love your personality and your passion for world of warcraft content 💙✨
Remember that first breath of WoW where you cared more about exploring than spam grinding it to max?
I love this video, my first character was a night elf hunter, this brought back so many memories 😉