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Player Housing has finally been announced for World of Warcraft, after being requested for over 20 years. At last, the champions of Azeroth can finally put up their feet by their own hearths, all in the comfort of their own home. But is player housing in WoW going to be as good as some people are saying? Or will Blizzard possibly mess things up, ruining the entire thing for everybody? In this video, Nixxiom talks about both the ways Blizzard can do good, as well as bad, when it comes to what’s next in the World of Warcraft.
0:00 Player Housing and Zygor
1:04 How Blizzard Can WIN
8:05 How Blizzard Could FAIL
*(Use “NIXXIOM” for 20% off)*
So, what do you want out of player housing? Anything specific you'd add to what the video discussed?
Also, if you're a fan of DnD and want some Magnetic Terrain tiles, might I recommend:
Nah, that system is going to be like Elder Scrolls Online or Black Desert, there will be different locations where you can buy a house and it will be an instanced house, so only the people on your party are going to enter your house, and your house location will be available for everyone so people can buy the same house as you.
My fear that they will make the main way to customize your housing feature is using Blizzard online store..
I will build Chair Weiner as tribute to Nixxiom. But yes, I want what you basically listed. For me there should be also drops of furniture from raids/dungeons/delves/PVP/etc.
why whoud u want a house in wow eveybody is already afk at stw
No no no no no
No neighborhoods and no houses on the world.
Do you realize the damage that would do to RP? No no no
Asinine design
I must admit I disagree with most of the points it shouldn't be part of leveling it shouldn't be able to own more than one house. A house should only be able to owned by 1 player if you own that house no one else should be able to buy that plot and it be phased or w/e
Narrator: “They screwed it up.”
They'll fail, just like they always do. Vanilla best version of wow
Controversial opinion but I’ve never cared about player housing 😆
i want my player house. inside my Garrison.
Of course it will be in an Instance. With Million of Players this is the only way. Stop dreaming.
I agree with professions being a part of player housing. However, the amount of items currently needed to make items is extreme and not fun. Professions used to be fun until they were overhauled into what they are now. I would like to see a gold cap on auction house price tags when needing to buy items for professions.
Some of us only have one or 2 evening's to play WoW which makes professions for casual players impossible.
You demand a lot, but good housing systems developed over years so i hope they can at least make preparations for all the things coming, and create the base for the furniture crafting in professions on release and then update it over time, i dont think it will be great in a year after the expansion release, but dont let me see a video from you how they "screwed the housing up" when it's only just the beginning
I don't plan on playing retail anymore, but they should start very basic and build their way up. Polish up the basics of housing then add on as they go.
Let's hope for a new mission table 🙂
It's going to be instanced.
No one's going to care for your house just like in Swtor and Elder Scrolls online.
It's a pointless gimmick.
Racial homes is a stupid idea, let's drop a Orc Fortress in Tirisfall glades totally fitting!
Let's put a undead ziggurat next to Gnomeregan totally logical.
Here's what's going to be inlcuded in the instanced player housing.
Storage banking items can be done in your house.
A auctioneer will be available later on.
We will go back in to the Garison territory but with more customization options.
blizzard are famous for taking it quite safe but delivering quality when it comes to things. i wish they would be more bold and go wilder and more free creatively for the fun of it as well though. also that being said ive loved nearlly all their games immensely but i feel im the majority with this comment.
I don’t think we can build homes in any zones. It will be a spot in each city with delve like entrances. That’s why we got gilneas and a silvermoon revamp.
As for customisation I think it will sadly just be select areas to put different things in. That quest in war within to put banners and things up in the city was a tease of this
Player housing is clearly going to be a social thing within the new expansions zone. It’s won’t be something to build anywhere, I don’t think that would be good anyway. Some of your recommendations are cool but they seem geared toward classic wow. This is for retail and will be endgame I believe. I think the best thing will be to have a housing district in the new expansion zone so it’s alive. Player housing won’t be cool if it doesn’t feel alive. It shouldnt be a hut in a random zone that you want. Leveling isn’t the thing in retail, sadly, it is for classic. Just my opinion
i think achievements should be strongly tied to housing
I fear that they are probably going to do almost everything you said they shouldn't do
They have to let me build a wizard tower.
I see this as, Players standing in their house complaining there is nothing to do, just like in WOD. I am not sold until I see it.
I want the player housing to be a monthly fee, if you dont pay than you lose everything, even your characters and must start over
Finally, an in-game home to live out the RP'ing that i always wanted to do. 😁👀🤔🤔🤡🤡🍑💨
I also would like for them to add a specific Hearthstone to your House like the Garrison one, just for a easier way to return there
7:26 That's exactly what we need. HOA's in WOW.
what blizzard will do is steal what FFxiv has mark my words.
When ever people want something and Blizzard does it we always get this BUT !!! and they choose the most boring and grey colour out of the rainbow !!
I want the house to be warband wide and reflect the achievements of the warband and look more like a guild hall or inn. I would love to see the top four characters of my warband be able to mill around the home in some way. Like I go to my warband on my hunter and see my warlock in their special room that is reflected by their slot in the warband that I can customize but I can also customize a communal area, and if I want to change around my warband character I can save the layout of their room and then create a fresh room for a different character. I would also love to see the player house as the background for the warband on the character select screen. Sorry, but I hate the idea of the house being per character and attaching the house to levelling because levelling is so fast these days that you'd only be customizing your house when you hit level cap anyway.
1. It's definitely gonna be instanced in some way.
2. A lot of players don't want housing ingrained into every other aspect of the game. Keeping it to it's own little corner wouldn't be a bad thing for some players.
3. Blizzard is very conservative with what they put on the cash shop. I expect there to be some items, yes, but the vast majority will be in the game. Blizz is no where near ESO or FF14.
Each account can have 50 characters and players can have multiple accounts you can’t have plots in the world or people are just gonna buy up all the plots and make you buy them off of them
To see housing bee, what I want would mean it not being tied to player skill or complex difficult achievements not everything has to be earned not everything needs a sense of accomplishment. I just want it to be fun or fun just mine not something. I’m renting off of blizzard and I have to, do the right performance in order to pay my rent? I don’t wanna have to grind for eight hours a day for housing. I already do that if that’s what comes out Aspen is totally right the biggest shit eaters on the planet..
Way to late for this and its a cash grab for sure
If they do racial houses, PLEASE don't make it so they're locked to the race you're playing. I'm a Worgen main, and I don't really like the Gilneas houses, so I don't want to be forced to use a Gilnean house. I'd rather have a Night Elf house.
We all know blizzard is 100% going to screw this up!
90$ fomo couch that will be a resounding success
Vulpera got their tents, they can call any place home rn, it'll likely be an expansion of that same ability, just on a grander scale. Likely we'll start out with tents, which most races has a version of, but then progress through shacks and huts to proper houses, and maybe even towers down the line.
Garrison was a great idea,,, but horrible performed or developed…. Garrisons and WoD gave that WC 1,2 and 3 nostalgia you builded a base in order to fight an enemy…. it could have been great, but Blizzard since 2010 has never delivered their full-amped ideas in every single expansion,
You already know they will.
Will prob start with us having our player house in the main city for said race. wich would be hype
All you said + be able to change the weather. I love Rain.
Giving neighborhoods ratings or scores would be create a situation where an in-game HOA would be more likely to form.