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Mobs You Forgot About in World of Warcraft | Pointless Top 10
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number 10 i used to use to farm lower level things. go in arcane explosion or something and loot them all but i think now they nerfed the loot.
they were in groups and as long as you dealt with all four groups they would respawn at least partially fast. if you have a friend or two helping it made the farm so fast.
Man, I remember when they promised that Farahlon was going to eventually be part of Warlords of Draenor.
They lied.
Top 10 winther zones /or winther animals culd be cool
One of my favorite series. 🙂
Crendor, I'm sure some dev out there is feeling the love their mob is getting some spotlight.
Number 9 "what if we made skinks in wow"" rippers
I DID quest in the Burning Steppes and have no memory of those guys… O_O
The sawblade bots were such a pain to deal with at level.
It would be cool if you could add briefly in the corner the location of the pointless top 10 in the map
number 1 should have just been a question mark, since its the one you forgot about so much it would have been top if you remembered it, but you didn't…
8:15 if anyone wants to know why they never heard about this before it's because it happens in the "Exploring Azeroth: Northrend" novel. The exploring azeroth novels are basically just novels that cover what's been going on in old zones since we actually went there.
Kalimdor one gives a backstory to Andrestrasz, that red dragon in a cave in Silithus, he's waiting for a friend of his to return, a Taruen from the Oceanmane Village, this village off the coast of Silithus that had Tauren huts in it. Dude's still alive after Silithus got hit by the "what sword?" too since the Eastern Kingdoms/Kalimdor ones take place after BFA
Crystalsong Forest Zone seriously could had been used in Classic Wrath and we would had gotten to see more quests added to Crystalsong Forest since the zone itself in Dalaran is amazing with Night Elven ruins, Crystal Forest and Orange and Yellow Trees makes a perfect landscape. Sadly to this day Mobs and zone itself remains forgotten.
I never forgot about those burning steppes mobs. There was a brief bug with party sync that let you farm a good amount of raw gold from them.
Really thought the oomlot from the goblin starting zone would be on here
Recently finished all the Mechagon mounts, I sure do remember those sawblade clearcutters
I have a good one, and we don't need to go much far. In Elwynn Forest, there's the most northern part, at the right of the map, with the island with the stone. With the revamp, the bandits there are pretty much forgotten, since everyone gets the quests from other bandits. But who are really forgotten are the gnolls camping at the northern edge of Elwynn, above the lake. I don't think they even have an objective, they're just there to add some stuff to the map.
In general, the edges of maps will have forgotten mobs that were added for decorating reasons. The spider vale at Tirisfal was also like that, until Cata when they added a Lilian Voss quest.
I couldn't forget about the Stormsong Valley enemies if I tried tbh. I went there to tame a bee pet on my hunter and I really loved the whole aesthetic of the place. Never got the bee mount though.
How can you forget the Crystalsong Forest?? It has the carrots you have to get like 100 times to get your dang chef hat.
infact i remember all these mobs very vividly. but you could pobably make a video with mobs from BfA, SL and DF and i wouldn't remember them.
You forgot to add every shadowllands mob as we all do our best to forget it ever happened.
ngl I miss the uniqueness of the BC demons compared to the legion demons
You are right Ol' Mighty Crendor I forgot all of these guys! Thanks! ♥
I used to like the NPCs in the Burning Steppes that you mentioned. I remember the initial quests involved talking to them and later covertly killing them. My uncle and I were there during Cata and I remember dying by Deathwing in the zone, which confused me, especially since I gained the achievement for dying by him. That is one thing I liked about DF; being killed by Fyraak and getting an achievement for it. Great nostalgia!
Crendor you're wrong… Number 10 is very memorable… Those mobs iirc respawn very quickly and there's a ton of them packed together and they drop some sort of cloth (mageweave? That or silk) making them very memorable as a place you go to farm those materials…
I could never forget the honey mobs. I'm a bee keeper so obviously that zone was may favorite; maybe in all of WoW.
My number one forgotten mob in WoW would be the Gnoll pirates in MoP. I had forgotten about them until I stumbed upon them during a Remix run.
It's funny how the slitherscale blink with their eyes closed and also keep them closed while they cook
Ahhh memories, Hrothgar's Landing, I spent many hours doing quests and farming rep with the darkmoon faire.
I remembered each of these. I spend alot of time in old expansions. WoD, BfA, and Legion especially. I take even max level alts through these places just to experience the zones and stories and the like.
More like top ten mobs I remember or at least all but 2 searing gorge ones and iron horde scouts
I dont think anyone forgot about these mobs.
Especially the orcs for the Inscription quest. Doing those quests back then got you profession skills from all previous expansions before they changed that.
I tried to remember all the mobs I have forgotten, but my mind is coming up blank.
1:00 I spent many hours among them, picking their pockets for ravenholdt rep.
In these crazy times I am so grateful for World of Warcraft♥ Some days it is the only sanity in my life! ♥ Thank you Crendor for keeping the dream alive! ♥