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Weirdest Buildings in World of Warcraft | Pointless Top 10
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Architect just means "ruling stonemason". Archein means ruling or directing . Tekton means mason or more correctly stonemason
How about the houses and towers in pre-Cata Orgrimmar that have no entrance at all? Not even locked doors, no doors or any kind of aperture or orifice at all.
4:45 It's pronounced "Drah-nor" and not "Dray-nor", by the way.
The troll building is where you use to hand in Bijou for the raid before it was sadly made a dungeon.
throughout your video, what do you mean "normal" are you a buildcist?!
I honestly never knew about the raptor house in Valsharah, that one was a surprise.
I love waking up to Pointless Top Ten ❤
Oh, an architect deals with architecture. Most people say Ar-keh-tek-churr.
I like that the troll ruins have swastikas all over them
How dare you make fun of our architecture Wakener Crendor.
Orcs: stick metal pikes on top of their buildings.
Crendor: lookie here,… A weird looking tree house
No ahn kahet?
Annie Bon is a historical pirate ref too 🙂
Top 10 dinner party guests, go!
I've been watching quite a few of these recently, and I have to ask, because after doing some quick research I see that Crendor has been making WoW content for, what, 15 years..? I'm genuinely curious. Are these satirical? Am I an idiot and just not seeing the funny for these videos? Like, I get that they highlight pointless stuff, and as such aren't really supposed to mean much other than pointing out some weird stuff in the game, or be taken seriously at all. But…
How do you look at a bird-creature's nest and go "idk how they made this". Its a dinosaur nest. How do birds, the irl, modern equivalent of these dinosaurs, make their nests? No, you're right. Its not a house. Its a nest. They collect building materials, and in the case of the bottles, shinies. Real life birds do that too.
And the Troll shrine? "There's skulls and snakes here"..? Go to literally any other Troll ruin in Stranglethorn.
Again, maybe I'm just an idiot and just don't get how someone who has been making content about this universe/game for such a long time don't even know basic lore bits in some of these videos. The creepy things video, at one point you were talking about creepy totems in Felwood and went "I don't know, maybe these were corrupted by Fel." Fel-corrupted trees and totems in **Felwood**? Wow, what an idea.
"Architexture" is a completely coherent word, irregardless of what others might think. We, your followers, support you in your use of the word!
Yes, Crendor, you finally said it right! It ARCHI-TEC-TURE! 😂
Each time I enter a dungeon or encounter a cool building I just picture the main NPCs talking to an interior designer and ordering the decorations. There's gotta be a huge warehouse of just skulls somewhere on Azeroth.
Think it was back in the original Barrens raptors were established as smart. Seem to recall a quest where you had to kill raptors in a village and they had either tiny huts or decorated nests.
I farmed Val'sharah and those raptors for ages to get all the pets and mounts and somehow never encountered the raptor house. I even just scanned all the shore of Val'sharah just this week because I misunderstood the hint in the sleuth anniversary thing, still didn't find it. Where is this thing??
This is an especially good top 10 pointless video. I would say it might even be in the top 10 itself.
but is there a captain jinyu? for a junyu force?
For #10, isn't that kinda like the place the gnolls live in Feralas? Can't login to confirm but I feel like they have a similar structure…
You ready for this? Archi-tec-t. Archi-tec-. Archi-tec-chur.
zangarmarsh and nagrand are two of the most beautiful and well designed zones in all of WoW
😂😂you said architect right but not architecture. Love it!
for 9, the troll temple, there is one of this same exact structure used in old classic era/vanilla for turning in the idols for Zandalari reputation!
Congrats on 500k subs!!!
Now I kind of wonder what architexture might be.
Like the art of creating a building mixed with a 2D texture.
Or the tactile sensation of a well designed structure.
It's a nice word.
i love the spires of arakk because they are so clearly inspired by the movie the dark crystal which i also love. the buildings are so pretty!
The Collosals were fragments of the living mountain named Grond that Aggramar brought to life with Titanic discs to fight the Sporemounds. When Grond fell, pieces him with the discs reanimated into the Collosals, then after they fell parts of them rose to be the Magnaron. Then the spores from the Sporemounds worked like the Curse of Flesh and caused Magnaron that were afflicted with them to devolve into the Gronn, later mutations led to the Ogron, then one eyed Ogres, then regular Ogres and finally the last mutation created the Orcs.
7:42 holy shit. This just made me realize how epic it would be if they made Warcraft 4 and it had all the new races n stuff
i love the jinyu buildings theyre so pretty, definitely weird especially in the rest of the pandaria environment,, so unique i love the orbs
I love mantid architecture
500K, GRATS!
Make a Pointless Top 10: Door Opening Animations. Check out the door in Nighthold to Chronomatic Anomaly
Random in the mountains meme joke.
this just goes to show nothing is pointless
Zereth Mortis: art deco
Mantid buildings: jugendstil/art nouveau