Pointless Top 10: Wolves in World of Warcraft

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Wolves in World of Warcraft | Pointless Top 10
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26 thoughts on “Pointless Top 10: Wolves in World of Warcraft”

  1. I thought you were gonna mention among the wolf facts that the "alpha" mentality has been disproved, in reality wolf packs are just families. It's crazy to think these dudebro podcasters built a whole platform on a debunked idea

  2. My favorite wolf is still lupos who I named Nuke after my grandfather's dog who was half husky and half malamute. He was the first pet I kept from vanilla and I still have him to this day.

  3. The reason some of these pets with weird appearances lose them is because these appearances are applied via a buff, and aren't a part of their model. The game has no easy way of discerning which buff is cosmetic and which gives the pet actual buffs (and some do both) so it has to try really hard to purge these buffs upon taming. People used to find ways around it, and I'd lie if I said I didn't try once or twice, but in the end Blizzard got pretty good at preventing the pets from retaining the buff.

  4. Ghost Howl has to be the most nostalgic wolf in the game for me. I remember running into him on my tauren hunter back in the day and being sad that I couldn't tame it. Now, I don't remember if it was because I wasn't a high enough level, or if you just couldn't tame it back in the day, but it was the only real wolf like it in Mulgore so I thought it was really cool. Later I would find out about the extra lore they gave it, cementing it as a personal favourite of mine.

  5. A little addendum to #6, the Cinder Wolves, Enhancement shamans can summon a Feral Spirit that has the same appearance as the Cinder Wolves if they are talented into the Elemental Spirits talent. They also have a chance to summon a lightning wolf and an ice wolf. I know that the lightning wolf is capturable by hunters as the Avatar of Xolotal in Zuldazar, but I don't think the literal frost wolf appears anywhere else in the game.

  6. Kinda surprised Lo'Gosh, the wolf wild god, or Thrall's wolf, Snowsong, didn't make it onto the list, but I like that the video shone a light on the lesser known wolves in the game.

  7. Hey Crendor, I'm curious if you'll do a Pointless Top 10: Trolls, since trolls are probably the biggest underdogs and the most unappreciated playable race in all of Azeroth (also my favourite one).

    Also, great video, per usual with your top 10s.

  8. What about the first tame challenge petnback in the days of Vanille in duskwallow maesh ther were grimtotem tauren how would summon spirit wolves they only lasted a few sec bit the were tameable to do it u had to stack a lot of haste and have some world buff i think but you jad to time your tamr to the second or thed despawn like a half sec before the tame ended


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