Post 10.2.5 Class BUFFS – Healers, Tanks, DPS

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The latest updates for WoW 10.2.5 include big buffs to Holy Priest, Restoration Shaman, Restoration Druid, Holy Paladin and multiple tanks and dps!

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32 thoughts on “Post 10.2.5 Class BUFFS – Healers, Tanks, DPS”

  1. I can't lie seeing some of these changes the last 2 months have been rough considering how heavy handed they nerfed BM hunter. Its going to be interesting seeing them continue to spiral down the charts while nothing is done about there survival issues.

  2. You were commenting on the Prot Warrior buffs as Prot Paladin lol. Prot Pala indeed didn’t need any buffs because it got none haha. Prot Warr on the other hand needed a little boost.

  3. I have loved the damage focused healers since they introduced the idea. It sounds like they want healers to have a more active damaging role. With Mistweaver and Disc priest essentially focusing right now on "my damage is my healing" I would not be surprised to see more changes like those being added, even in smaller portions, to other healers. Possibly giving two playstyles to each even could add depth and versatility. Holy pally already has a lot of holy power generators as damage buttons. Maybe Holy can have Holy Fire add its damage to prayer of mending? possibly Resto Druids Wrath can extend Hots? Shaman Lava Burst can apply earthliving weapon? The design space is there for experimentation.

  4. Man… this is ass at this point. Why tf are they doing half of this shit. Fix DH??? Fix evoker??? Why are presvokers doing 80k dps in pvp. Holy shit they do so well then they run everyone out of the game again. Hunters are fkin dumb rn, overall its a fkin mess. gg.

  5. Ret pally can do over 1M on aoe burst. But me personally and my fellow rets from guilde cannot do more tham around 200k on HC Fyrakk (without lego axe). Look at all rogues, dh, hunters, demolocks, mages. Ret paladin sucks at ST even with correct talents.

  6. I have been maining priest since mid season 2 and stuck to Disc. It has been good but there are times where ramps make it hard to focus on other things. For the last 2 weeks I have been getting into Holy and I must says its so much easier to heal compared to Disc. I did 20's easily as Disc and its just as easy as Holy. Currently progressing through mythic raid. Killed up to Nymue and currently on 40% Larodar after one night. Holy priest is good here with Guardian Spirit. 😀

  7. If resto Druid has “problems” what the hell do the rest of the healers other than disc priests have? All healers have weaknesses but I’m sitting here on my Resto shaman and pres evoker wishing I had r druids problems.

    I’m talking mythic plus btw. I realise everything can do 20s blah blah blah but my issue is I pug and don’t spend 50 hours a week on the game, trying to pug heal a group of ranged who love standing in Narnia on my pres evoker and don’t interrupt or help with affixes makes me not want to play the game.

  8. your mic seems to be picking up some noise from your desk (when you place your hand on the desk it seems like, there's a thud), maybe need to recheck your mic stand since the move?

  9. Resto druid needs way better mana buffs. It runs out long before a raid fight ends. I don't think mist weaver really needs a nerf, it feels good to play and rewarding for pulling off your combos.

  10. Honestly as a Resto Druid I have felt like a Mage with how much I have to drink in between fights. Now if our HOTs would do just a little bit more healing we would be in a great place without being OP

  11. I was super upset with the preservation changes in 10.2.5 and in all honesty I feel the class did not deserve a nerf at all. especially when it comes to mythics. and monk got buffs? super strange to me


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