Potential PvP Scaling In 9.1? WoD Style Scaling Could Return In Shadowlands! – WoW: Shadowlands 9.0

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28 thoughts on “Potential PvP Scaling In 9.1? WoD Style Scaling Could Return In Shadowlands! – WoW: Shadowlands 9.0”

  1. funny i knew the pvp scale would return soon or later blizzard removed it because it got too much attention in Battle for Azeroth in a hateful way rextroy brought blizzard to his knees for a little while but we all know it wouldn't last that long i bet the new coming scaling wil be even more worst then the first one blizzard got a good knack to ruin something even more then it already was in the first place wen bringing something back in to the game that is extremely hated by the people

  2. IMO they should bring back PvP stat, like resilience. PvP gear and PvE gear should be seperate things. PvE gear – something more powerful, go to gear for well PvE content but in PvP good DMG but super squishy, and PvP gear – maybe not as powerful DMG wise, but more tanky and preventing you form dying to literraly One Shot. So technically you could use PvE gear in PvP, expect huge DMG Done but don't expect to live longer than 3 sec during someones burst.

    You said that PvE players are kinda forced to play PvP because it's the best way to gear right now. Ye I agree, no one should be forced to do the content they don't like, but for example back in Legion PvP players (like me who haven't done any PvE content other than leveling before Legion) were forced to do PvE for higher iLvL – better stats in PvP, and no one cared about PvP players back then.

    Gear scaling like in Legion on the one hand was good, because as PvP player you didn't care about stats, higher iLvL was always an upgrade, even with wrong stats. But on the other hand as I said before, PvP players shouldn't be forced to play PvE, and PvE players shouldn't be forced to play PvP for gear.

  3. This is a bad idea. You work hard on getting gear and now they want to close the gap and give new players training wheels. Trash. Make new players fight new players then in their own bracket.

  4. This is awsome! cause at the moment how the system works is not good not from a pvp perspective. I am 2k xp in wod (2v2) and (3v3). 2.1k xp in legion (2v2) and (3v3). And on my main i was with the pack at the start of shadowlands and got to 1940cr fast and easy, I started to level my alt, This is where i started to feel the issues about the gearing system. U got 7 ranks of honor gear to rank up, Then on conquest gear u have 4 ranks starting at 1400cr-1600cr-1800cr-2100cr. The big issue is that the gap between these ilvl cap is to big where u stand no chance even if u play better, Atm i can barely reach 1600cr on my second alt. My first alt i can barely reach 1800cr. Maybe its no issue for high experienced players with similar experienced friends. The biggest pvp player base is probably using (LFG) and are like me around 2k xp. To make a comparison it would be similar to be (DMG) in cs go but since u only have pistol unlocked ( this dont exist in the game but just as an exampel ) Similar experienced dont want to play with u, So u queue with gold nova people just to get some games going and its a struggle to win even with better aim and awarness cause u only have a pistol vs ak47. That makes something that should be competitive and fun to lose the whole point of it.

  5. as a pvp player i want to know i outplayed my opponenet, how you play the game shuld matter mutch more in pvp, rather then relying on your gear. thats why in pvp i dont think gear shuld matter so mutch. And i think this would make even more players try arena, knowing u wont get blasted bc u dont have the best gear, but if u lose now, its more bc you dont have the skills, yet.

  6. pvp would become empty and more likely to have premades stomping everyone. now with everyone getting pvp gear for pve, pvp is balanced where i dont just lose every match like in classic.

  7. As long as I can get up to date ilvl gear through pvp I dont care what they do, I just hated grinding pve to have a chance at pvp in BFA. I like the current rank system, it means I can just pvp and nothing else but still have good gear

  8. Scaling is bad period. Something that would help the entire game is adding 1 single Stat to the game. This will add to the loot pool and gives us a sense of more items with different combinations. Split versatility and call it resilience and versatility. Then have pvp gear only have both of those stats. And everything else outside of pvp has all stats but never both resilience and versatility. Versatility can be increased dmg and at a lower rate dmg reduction. And resilience has healing and dmg reduction at a higher rate.

  9. Ive already seen some whiny comments about ppl that would rather winning just by outgearing others and are scared that scaling will Ruin their combatant Carrer. Well i for my self really agree to scaling since then ppl will actually will learn something and will have a proper chance to. Right now arenas are just silly and remind me of mop arenas.

  10. Some scaling might really work, we play a lot of arena's and cant get to 1600. running into people with 20 I-lvl higher than us and seeing them survive with 5% HP and one-shotting us without major cooldowns is really demoralizing to us.

  11. Scaling is so stupid. Don't bring it back. The gear disparity is the worst its ever been I agree, but I think the real issue is the current rate you earn conquest. Most people are going to play 2's when gearing a new alt and when you're first starting out even if you're in full honor gear you're getting dumpstered by boosters for a potential 25 conq per win. Yeah goodluck on that 6k conq cap @ 25 per win. You're going to be burnt out from being 1 shot before you even have half your wep conq. Right now conq gear doesn't even become THAT powerful until you rank it up which you need the rating for anyway. I don't think conquest earns need to be so miniscule, since just buying the piece isn't the end of progression anyway. I think 2s should be at least 75 conq and 3s 100 per win.

  12. I have definitely found over the past few weeks as I've been gearing up a few alts that once you hit about 1450-1500 you start running into the people that bought 1800 boosts (or just got lucky with an RBG group).

    They now have full 220 gear and after their boost have dropped down to about 1500ish, then they become the sort of gatekeepers for people that can actually play the game but are playing at 185 ilvl. Idk I guess it keeps it interesting. Its just like playing with a handicap. Sure some games its frustrating because you lose to what is overwhelmingly obvious worse players.

    I just think the stat template system is so antithetical to what WoW is and has always been. The scaling ilvl system is a little better but I don't think nerfing pvp gear in pve is the issue here. It's more that the big stat squish has made the gear disparity between a fresh 60 alt even in say full 171 honor blues and a rival in full 220s feel like the grand canyon.

    I think anyone that takes a serious shot at it should be able to reach 1600. Like I said in another post I just think 25 conq per win is far too low. Since to make that gear powerful at all you need to grind honor and rating anyway I don't think 25 conq per win is justified. Give people more conq per win across all modes, like triple to quadruple, and let them earn their 200 gear on alts with huge caps much faster (or even mains that are jumping in late). This will significantly shorten the time you're stuck in the far low reaches of gear hell. This will make it that much easier for people to start pushing 1600, which will get them 213, and then give them a real chance to continue on to 1800 and beyond.

  13. Dear god I hope so. It has taken away a part of gearing I want to do. My new main is 203 I rerolled a few weeks ago and I cannot got the love of god do pvp. I get nailed too quick I’m playing DH. I’m not the best at pvp but atm I have no chance at all. Everyone in skirmishes I come across has 6k more hp than me

  14. they would not need alll this bullshit if the power curve would be 30-35% not 12211231%. full of incompetents at blizzard.. making it harder for themselves. but it needs a scalling this way because you cant play at all vs geared people. its unplayable.


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