5 Reasons To Play Feral Druid In World Of Warcraft Shadowlands!

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29 thoughts on “5 Reasons To Play Feral Druid In World Of Warcraft Shadowlands!”

  1. Not sure why people shit on ferals so much, I'm doing best I've ever done in pvp with my feral. There's only a handful of things in pve I've not been able to solo. I honestly have been having the most fun in WoW I've had in years since going back to feral 2 months ago. Every patch I get a little stronger. Definitely my main in SL.

  2. The problem is energy starving… give us a talent that makes thrash free and do less dmg or w/e. Do that and the rise of the ferals will come again 100%

    A free filler is key for ferals.
    and yes some people like the playstyle that it is now.. But there is a reason why there are so few ferals out there.
    we have had 2 ferals the last 4 years. and they have always been at mid tier or top.. So its not about the numbers either

  3. Snupy, i have a question please, as a normal skill set player, playing feral would you think its possible hitting gladiator, i mean, i ve started bfa quite late and i only hitted like 2k as main feral due to that corruption. So do you think its achiveable to get glad if i continue to main feral? Keep the good work 👍

  4. Hi Snupy,

    I’ve recently discovered your channel and I really like it ! Love the feral love

    Also one question, when you should I pop berserk and which ability is better to use whenever we get a free energy ability proc?


  5. The off heal and utility isn't good enough because the dmg is so low but even though playing an unopopular spec well is good.

    The last time i played feral was in last patch of legion and wod ,In wod ferals were so good,i can kill someone with bleeds alone while kitting him 50% of the time.

  6. I don't like the fact that when feral is good/slightly better than other classes it gets instant hot fixed/patched/nerfed.. but when MAGE is stupid broken they don't do anything for 2-3 patches, I'm referring to the fire mage in BFA. Also, Boomkin was the better choice for PvE/PVP in 80% of the time in BFA, u couldn't find a group for mythic+ like never because u didn't have enough as a feral, and even it became a meme among players to not invite feral's just because "they are bad as players and the spec is trash" and that's really disappointing… Still, I love the spec and will continue to main it in Shadowlands 🙂 Cheers, nice video Snupy keep up the content!!

  7. Top 25 World Feral being forced into Balance because it brings better damage with all the same utility and more. Doesn't matter how much feedback you live on the Beta it is ignored. Sure, it's solid in PvP, maybe more so than it has been in several expansions, but if you plan to PvE at all, just go play a Monk. At least Windwalker has a niche that Brewmaster and Mistweaver don't also fill. This may be my last expansion, or hell, even my last tier, as a Druid. Feral needs SOMETHING that the other 3 Druid specs don't have, or it's a dead slot.

  8. 1. 2020 is the year of memes.
    2. It feels good to win as a meme spec.
    3. You'll find out who your real friends are as a meme spec.
    4. Playing a meme spec feels unique.
    5. You can always use meme spec as an excuse when things don't go your way.

    Feral it is.

  9. People said that it was on the low c tier and in prepatch killing the headless horseman I was top dps with 1million or so damage done through the whole fight lol I was surprised

  10. I'm actually loving feral again in prepatch, taking a few lessons from classic and just shape shifting alot, been click deleting warriors in PvP all week, being a nuisance to casters and just trouncing rogues, it's been really fun.
    The base line druid changes from the unpruning have really helped feral in my opinion and if anyone is unsure about playing it I highly recommend starting one and pratting around in low level BGs, even before you have prowl, it's stupidly fun currently.


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