Protection Warrior – the new BEST TANK?! // World of Warcraft: Shadowlands

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I’m joined today by one of our guild’s main tanks, Axdane, to talk about the new best tank in Shadowlands after the 9.0.5 buffs!


26 thoughts on “Protection Warrior – the new BEST TANK?! // World of Warcraft: Shadowlands”

  1. Into the fray should be 2% haste per Target up to 16 (8 targets)

    So with your team alone you get 10% like now but you can recover your lost strength in raids or dungeons boss battles

    Also change Bolstering, it's too good but takes same row as anger management that also got nerfed, it's sad, very sad

  2. Glad to see Prot Warriors coming back. Now the issue is the covenant change if you play arms or fury. Wished Necro gave warrior something for those two specs that doesn’t equal such a high damage loss.

  3. They will only be BIS with a specific leggo + covenant setup. The class itself is still mid/low tier without those 2 things. VDH or Bear for example don't require a leggo combo niche for S tier tanking. That's the big difference here, and is being missed by a ton of players who thing they are going prot warrior and just walk straight into +20 keys when they couldn't do 14s before. Most of us that push high keys and prog in mythic raid as tanks , I don't see swapping being viable unless for very specific fights. VDH and Bear are just too good to bother with rerolling right now, until we see full patch changes for 9.1.

  4. I'd like to go Necrolord protection warr but at the same time I want to sometime play Fury in m+ or Arms in PvP… in those cases Necrolord would be the worst choice for them right? What is the all around best covenant for warrior specs/content?

  5. I'm leveling up a Necrolord Prot Warrior right now and it's good. Reprisal really is looking to be sweet. The buffed damage is nicer, it's not Prot Paladin level damage, but it's fairly strong. Thumbs up for the old school tank coming back!

  6. I made the switch to Prot when my guild's off-tank went AWOL. I like it in raids, but I have despised it in M+ for months now. Maybe it is time to give it another shot, although I am not too keen on leaving Venthyr.


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