Pull The Ripcord? Discussing QOL Suggestions For NOW Not Later – WoW Shadowlands

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Blizzard is standing at a precipice with an internal struggle to define their values in the wake of awful truths. We as players shouldn’t stand in their way and apply undue pressure to keep producing for the World of Warcraft.
But I want to open a discussion on what smaller changes or improvements can be done in the meantime. I’m talking about quality of life additions that typically come towards the end of an expansion we wish would be implemented sooner. Let’s have a talk!

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0:00 Bloviating
3:43 The REAL start of the video

World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Check them out or sign up to play for FREE up to level 20!

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17 thoughts on “Pull The Ripcord? Discussing QOL Suggestions For NOW Not Later – WoW Shadowlands”

  1. Thanks for the content brother. I like a lot of these ideas. I’m hesitant yet to just stop playing wow all together. I think there is plenty they could do. Hopefully they see this video and apply some of this. One can always hope.

  2. Let me wear covenant transmog and use covenant mounts across all my toons regardless of which covenant they are. Why does it steal something from someone else if I am Night Fae wearing Venthyr mog.

  3. dude, I've pretty much sat on the sideline while this whole thing has played but even from my fence vantage, your wording on these asks seems really tone-deaf. The people who are still there, probably looking for something to do to occupy their time.. the dust hasn't even begun to settle on it and I don't think those folks are looking for a "now that you have the time, address our community requests". If you can still login to the game over the coming days/weeks, consider it a win.

  4. The game is designed for people to remain subbed.. f.ex back in bfa i was working like mad on the different reps in order to get flying unlocked.. i then noticed that the damn turtles rep only gave a few reps every now and then. I did the math and if i did the dailies and got lucky getting that extra world quest thingy to spawn, i would get the needed rep just as the patch flying was unlocked… many months later.. thats some effed up stuff… forced gating rewards, just to make me sub.


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