RBG TIERLIST : Best Specs in WoW Shadowlands : What's the State of The Game?

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Here is my RBG TIERLIST : Best Specs in WoW Shadowlands video.
This video will cover the meta and tierlist for RBGs, and the real question is:
What’s the State of The Game?
Well for me, it is a really great meta and fun to watch and play. There is small tuning here and there and I really see alot of dedication from the blizzard team.

Step by Step, we will see this expansion go and be one of the best out there!

Arena Tierlist video will come around beginning of March and I will make sure to make it as up to date possible!

Hopefully this video found your way and you do like the video!

►PVP Videos, Pvp guides ,class/spec guides and many more videos will be brought to my channel.

►Shadowlands has been a blast and will be one of the better expansions for wow pvp!

►Please like/dislike, comment and subscribe to the channel !

This will help me alot and i’m open for all feedback.

Thank you for watching.

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9 thoughts on “RBG TIERLIST : Best Specs in WoW Shadowlands : What's the State of The Game?”

  1. Ele burst is not really instant, you have a lot of GCD to do before doing anything and keep fire shock on the target which does not help when you need instantly to switch target. I actually prefer Enhancement a lot more, you jump into the fight – doomwinds/BL, blow ascendance for thousands of aoe damage and delete people around with cleave damage, the burst is insane and you can switch with this damage to anyone at any moment. The only thing good about ele is that it is ranged I would say so you can stay away, and try 1-100 somebody with mix of l.burst/stormkeeper and as soon as somebody trains you, then you can just run away lasso and pray for lava b. procs.

    I wanted to try an ele a few times, but I could not even finish a transition from venthyr to necro and cancelled the quest…they are too slow and with weaker burst, easy to lock and all the instant giant heals are gone. Not saying that Ele is bad for rbg, it is not, but – S tier is a VERY big stretch.


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