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Back with an in depth guide of exactly how Torghast works, the difference between a layer and a level and how many wings you need to do per week to get the Soul Ash for your Legendary item.
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Donโt see spreadsheet in description. Thanks for the video !
thank you jeathe my favorite book reader and the most accomplished NA human/EU gamer i know. good luck in mythic CN, lead EU to rightful victory, make NA irrelevant again, otherwise ill have to pester those asian KR and CN/TW guilds to just cope and transfer to NA or EU realms (depends on latency) to show what real world first is.
Man I really like how concise and yet so explanatory your videos are. Its like following a recipe: do a, b, c, d then e and you'll be gg. Thanks Jeath! Good luck on WF!
Great summary. Can we look forward to the remaining m+ guides any time soon? ๐
Thanks Jeath <3
Man, Jeath's guides are so well put together. Makes me so happy i can just link this to all the noobs. Top tier work yet again!
What a guide !
Great guide as always, just at 5:25, I think you meant floors, not layers?
Just wondering:
1) How about the recipes? Will they drop from Layer 3 and above, meaning that we can grind Layer 3 before the next layers are unlocked, in order to get the legendary recipe?
2) Will we be able, together with both wings and the Torghast chain, to create the legendary Week 1?
Very helpful and concise, exactly what people need. Thanks!
Terry is the best part of Shadow lands
another great video – you always present information clearly and concisely. maybe do a spell check on your text displayed on screen, though? ๐
There are SO MANY guides online that are way too long, have completly irrelevant stuff in it or don't really explain anything. Thank you very much for making actual good content. This is really helpful.
Thanks for clearly and concisely breaking it down – ready to hit Torghast running in week 1!
Good guide and sexy voice
Really clear guide, thank you.
Is the power you gain transit with you through layers and wings or you do it from scratch again? Thnx for the amazing guide.
great info!! mostly because is very updated! I'll link it in my guild's discord ^^ btw is there any way I could get your nameplates profile? tbh I really like your entire ui. Thanks for the video!
Thanks Sir. You deserve an apple ๐
Very nice and well explained guide. Thank you mate!
Thank god for this easy and well put together explanation for a noob like me ๐ actually made my stupid brain finally understand how torghast works!
Very nice guide awesome work. Thx a lot
Compared to some wow guide videos, you have a very clear voice and easy to understand instructions. Thanks for making this!
The way you speak and how your voice sounds is perfect for book reading. Oh and thanks for the guide.
Very concise and clear guide. Liked and subbed. ๐
holy hell lv3 is a leap in mob power esp if you dont have the right group comp it just reks you.
Great Guide! Simple, easy and complete <3
The important question. How do you physically get to Torghast? I did it in the quest line. Now cant get back there./
Best Torghast guide Ive found!!! Thanks Jeath !!!
A wonderful guide! Subscribed in the hope for more! Great work man!
Super helpful! Thanks!!!! BTW… you should be an audio book voice actor! ๐
Excellent guide! I wish I watched this a week ago! Any idea about the wings release schedule or is it random? I missed finishing floor 3 of the Soul Forges and missed getting the legendary item that is BiS for resto shaman. Just trying to sort out how long Iโll be behind in getting it waiting for Soul Forges to come back around
this is hands down the best guide to Torghast i have found. i love you Sir. (huggles)
Hmmm can you please make a guide on how to run thorgast when my computer have exploded ๐ but seriously nice vid. ๐
It misses explanations about different wings
Great guide. Now we need one on how to get past all the different traps in Torghast (for those of us without a teleport). ๐
Thaankyou so much – concise, accurate and clear. liked!