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The finally added the proc to the PTR! This looks menacing. Equipping 2 od these daggers week one will be quite legendary. These items always make looting more fun. Its nice to see blizzard not just going for an ordinary dagger and taking the oppertunity that showed itself.
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I like when blizzard adds these kinda items to the game. Domination Gems and these daggers are enough to make me excited to gear and progress my character in 9.1
Good time to be Assassination Necro
tf are blizzard even doin man
just give us back artifact weapons instead of this nonsense
Still waiting for that raid utility or CD that Ian spoke of!
Serrated Bone Spike (Necrolord) bleed now properly benefits from critical strike chance.
Soon necro is gonna be dicked down too many good bug fixes and buffs..
those are going to be insane for sub rogues
akaari's soul fragment, weaponmaster, and this dagger with a venthyr opener?? hmmm could be deadly.
Hope they buffin the rogues
MA got its 4 seconds back up from 2
What's the point of that dagger if melee have no room in a raid. These encounters are made by apes.
There better be crispy visuals on the proc
Rogue is gonna be insane..
no time for Raids i am only doing Dungeons, thx Blizz for no Dagger with a procc
This is old news, wowhead had this info a few weeks ago.