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I hope Elemental Shamans got a lump of coal for Christmas. In all seriousness the insane randomness of Dragonflight PvP damage is just crazy.
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Lol he ignored the following GCDs shaman have to do to get that
Fire elemental
Full MS bar
Earth shock
Earth shock
Yeah you had about 10 seconds leading up to that 1 shot
So you let the ele hard cast storm keeper, then drop sky fury, and you thought it was a good idea to just be standing in the most open part possible of the map?
Nice positioning….
Well yeah insane procs with earth shock and storm caller with elemental out.. but no when other classes hit for that much you don't make a video about it
And shamans are complaining they need a buff. But if they are standing still. They will kill you.
You can shut down ele all game with double dispel go or talent as disc and they get like no procs all game pretty much
You have pain sup up, your fault tbh
I'm actually getting really sick of how pvp is playing these last two expansions. It really makes me miss bfa pvp
Yea but they squishy let them have their damage lol
Tell me you got outplayed and are mad without telling me you got outplayed and are mad….. the list of things you could have done to avoid this outcome is long AF
You got kicked then deathbed yourself… u miss played, life swap and climb more
This kind of thing has been a thing since forever.
Yet there will still be the "GiT gUd" people defending this
You got hit by 2 players bro. An evoker and a shaman… nice try tho
What is the addon that is showing your spells? Looks like hekili but also something else.
Or just get good?
The music 🤣
Ele got nerf yeaterday
I'd almost say this was staged
Id quit already if that happened to me
Couldve used health swap. And not be in the open, but I would've done the same thing. I am Just as bad as u. Many times i gotten to 1300 and just plummet down 1100.
How much did your swd hit you?
Jeez died in a windsheer. Wow pvp is just sooooooooooooooo BAD
This is almost every spec in the game can do. I actually consider to stop PvP and go do mythic+ instead. Mistakes are too punishing, and you did a position mistake, and your team mates need some giga awareness too to stop stormkeeper or kill skyfury totem or trade some cooldowns. The game is too tryhard even on low rating because of this mega damage meta
You literally stood in the open for it, hate yourself not the game loser
I usually hide behind anything I can find while I use all 8 seconds of my rapture on shielding myself over and over
def a skill issue