SCOURGE Becomes An ALLIED RACE After Shadowlands?!

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What happens to the remnants of the Scourge, a part of them becoming an allied race?
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The Scourge was defeated all the way back in Wrath of the Lich King and the remnants were controlled for a while by Bolvar. Now in Shadowlands these remnants attacked us under the direct control of the Jailer and as far as we know we destroyed most of them. However their current numbers are unclear.

While obviously a large part of the Scourge is not exactly sentient, there are some races that are still a part of the undead army that would more than perfectly fit an allied race. For example the undead trolls or the San’layn, the fallen blood elves that served Arthas directly. Even a part of them joined the Horde back in BFA, could a return of them be happening after Shadowlands is over?

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at [email protected]


23 thoughts on “SCOURGE Becomes An ALLIED RACE After Shadowlands?!”

  1. Dorons, instead of posting blatant fucking clickbait, post legitimate shit that you've covered. You're a recycle bin and I'm done clicking on your videos until something pops out.

  2. No… We already have the Undead and Death Knights.

    We need a race that's different not really humanoid looking… For example… Nerubians? Very different from every current race and no they won't have a humanoid form like Worgens or mounts either… (because they are the mount/grow wings for flying etc) Which might be a problem for some… But this faction already has quite a range of NPC classes in game from casters to melee, this was just an example/idea I hold no bias to Nerubians.

  3. It would only work as a third faction. Otherwise it wouldn’t fit in, horse already have forsaken (former scourge). I don’t see the alliance being receptive to the scourge in their ranks. Maybe using the scourge as a leaderless antagonist is a better idea for a future patch/expansion. There are plenty of strong scourge hero’s who could be boss types for instances or raids. The point of the patch/expac would be to completely eliminate the scourge from Azeroth. Just a thought. 🤷‍♂️

  4. I still wonder what happened with all the sentinels that were risen after the burning of Teldrassil. After they came back to their senses Calia was just like "oh hey guys let me show you how to deal with your new decaying forms" and they were never heard of again. Most san'layn were dealt with in wotlk as far as I know but I could be wrong. Also what happens with the dark rangers now that their former leader is gone?

  5. to be honest
    i take Ho-zen, Jinyu, Ogers, Arrakoa, Sethrak and Mogu
    over the Scourge as an Allied Race ANY day..
    Blizz stop making Character Customisations an Allied Race!
    It sucked with Lightforged Draenai, Highmountain Tauren, Mag'har Orcs, Dark Iron Dwarves and Mechagnomes.
    Give us real new Races (with their own Models) like Zandalari, Kul Tirans, Vulpera or atleast for their faction something new like Nightborn (Horde Nightelf model) Voidelf (Alliance Bloodelf model)
    With the Kul Tirans you have a base for playable OGERS (Horde Kul Tirans)
    Think Blizzard think, or do we have to slam you in a Subway as it speeds at you and hold you there until you see..(kudos for those who get the reference)

  6. I think it would be interesting (if the dragon isles is the next expansion) to add an allied drakonid, and a “new age” forsaken that could choose to go back to their alliance families or stay horde.

  7. Ah, the good old plot point that Blizzard is forgetting with the whole "there won't be a lich king anymore" route.

    Arthas' soul held back the Scourge during WOTLK. It is Canon that there was enough Scourge in Northrend to wipe out all life on Azeroth, and the only reason it didn't was because Arthas resisted the Lich King's (now i guess the Jailer's) power. That is why Bolvar sacrificing himself to become the LK was significant. Because "there must ALWAYS be a Lich King", or the Undead will destroy all life on Azeroth.

    But nah, Blizzard's gonna sweep that under the rug so they can make the crown of friendship.

  8. I have to disagree with your comment on the Liches being a playable class Doron as if you refer back to War#3, Kel'Thuzad started off as a living man working for the scourge and died at the hands of Arthas only to be resurrected by him again in the Undead campaign later on.

  9. There are some races that have been allied to the existing factions since the start and others that joined along the expacs that could have been added quite easily.

    Ogres, for example, have been part of the Horde since the start. Some argued against them due to their size and gender representation, but they could have been added with the same height as Kul'tirans, and instead of gender we could have a one-head/two-headed option. Would be a "woke" change to include a race that seems genderless.

    Seeing the Scourge is essentially defeated and the Broken Isles have been secured, the vrykul could join the Alliance. Humans have proven themselves to be stronger than they have thought of, and are now worthy of being an ally, and they share a distant kinship to gnomes and dwarves.

    From MoP, the Hozen for Horde and the Jinyu for Alliance, even though in small numbers (in-universe, Void Elves are a very small group as well, perhaps smaller than these), have both joined and have never seen representation.

    Now that the Zandalari Trolls have allied with the Horde, seeing a group of Mogu do the same would be amazing. They'd give the Horde access to the 'draenei skeleton' which is something Blizzard seems to have focused on, giving both factions relatively the same body types via allied races.

    Frankly, it does not seem to be an extraordinary job to do, since their character physics tech has turned all skeletons compatible with all animations and gear. The lore is already there and the game desperately needs some audience pandering right now, on top of everything else. Having a couple of races unlocked without rep farming, intense questing or achievement hunting, just given to us, would be one great move.

  10. I rather take Vrykul's as a playable race. Bigger and stronger humans just seems like it would work quite well. Also then i can literally shit on humans as they are just weaker version of them.

  11. They should rename themselves into Elfcraft and write the logo in Comic Sans if they are going for more elves as allied races. Night and Blood Elves are the only elves who are legitimate races in WoW. Every other elven race is just a filler because writers are way too braindead to ever design an non-elven race.


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