Season Of Discovery's First Month Has Been Shocking | World of Warcraft

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It’s been over one month, nearing two, since Season of Discovery came out. How has it been? How do people feel about it?

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18 thoughts on “Season Of Discovery's First Month Has Been Shocking | World of Warcraft”

  1. The easiest fix to buying/selling gold is to start DELETING accounts. Announce today anyone caught botting, buying or selling gold or anyway associated with it, (trading from one low level to high level toon) will have all accounts, linked to their Battle net, deleted and all subsequent gold deleted from all accounts it comes in contact with.

    Only then will the penalty be strong enough to convince players to not buy for fear of losing everything they worked on across all games of WoW (might be really bad for some that own retail accounts)….and if they don't care and just keep starting over then bonus for Blizzard on the new subs (until they get caught again)

  2. Punishments for buying?
    Umm that's been a thing.
    Sodapoppin even discussed what happened to him when he got caught buying. All gold deleted (across all characters). Idk if true or not, but they possibly locked him out of a raid.
    I'm sure bans happen with it too, but lighter punishment to him because top streamer.

  3. Even if Ashenvale pvp event is not super great, Ashenvale is a murderfest. Literally groups of rogues on roads, roaming death squads, raids going to BFD. I literally duoed the zone with my buddy so I didnt get ganked as much. The Ashenvale event, while flawed, gives people a reason to go out into the world and play the game with a bunch of other players. The classic team did an excellent job making the world of warcraft the main character and I cant wait to see what we get in the future.

  4. The problem with wow Sod is that too little content but a lot of fun with the new runes which I think felt like they had really spent time creating. I think Sod will be super fun after level 60, just hope that blizzard balances dungeons and bosses, otherwise the risk of us players getting too overpowered content will feel to easy? then the game dies. If you read this blizzard increase monster health in dungons and make bosses hard as fuck =))

  5. 10 man, 3 day reset raids is bullshit.
    I hate it, the guild I'm in have 60+ people, with alts.
    there's litterarly 10+ signups each 3days and I can't stand it.
    They are balancing dmg out of 10man for the lack of effort it takes and f them for that.
    It's not fun, cya in p3-p4


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