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The tier set bonuses for patch 9.2 have just been datamined from the WoW: Shadowlands PTR. In this video I go over my thoughts on how they will play out in m+ and raid. Don’t forget to like and subscribe so that you’re notified of my new videos! Read more below:
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0:00 Druid
3:45 Shaman
6:21 Monk
8:41 Paladin
12:28 Discipline Priest
15:53 Holy Priest
ayyyy 1st view
Leanne is buying me a cat for Christmas. I'm going to call it Growl
I can already see venthyr Rsham looking good for raid with the set bonuses even though I kinda wish it wasn’t chain heal but I also didn’t want it to be riptide either
Ty for the timely uploads as always <3
Urgh, that mistweaver four set. One of the things I like most about mistweaver is how effective we can be on the go, not just mobile but healing while being mobile, and they give us a four set that requires us to stand still. At least I'll be having fun with my venthyr shaman and the class legendary…
Hello frenz this is growllll
was considering coming back for 9.2, but resto tier sets are fucking OMEGA-TRASH. Maybe resto shaman lives anyway in M+ with both kyrian leggo and deep tremor, but those set bonuses make me sad.
Time to get myself a necropally, this sounds way too fun, endless wings, hahahahahahahh
As a main m+ Shaman, I'm really disappointed of the set. They could have find something way better than chain heal. I hope they will change it
One thing that i disliked with domination gear and sockets was that you were forced to raid to get them. Some people only raid and some only do m+. This new system might save the expansion
Resto shaman sets suck so much, I'm going hpally and be a meta slave.