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All things Shadowlands, where we dive into our impressions on Castle Nathria difficulty and how long it’ll last for the top end guilds. Enjoy the release!
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Syncing the release of LAD with shadowlands. Big brain.
Watching this while Stormrage server crashes and burns. I bet the physical servers capacitors are exploding
its that time of the year again
Watching this from the crashed Draenor server
ayyyyy the lads back with the LAD again , in the nick of time while nobody can play :p
Watching this as I attempt to log in 🙁 you guys really are heroes <3
Watching this from my infinite loading screen
I liked Corruption too. I liked being able to purchase targeted upgrades and improvements for gear, combined with the soft cap of Corruption itself and that being steadily rolled back by acquiring increasing Corruption Resistance. The negative effects were a little annoying. Overall I wouldn't mind seeing the return of a similar system, without negative effects, but targeted upgrades and a soft cap that you steadily rolled back so you could equip more and more upgrades.
love that I'm not the only one watching this while waiting to log in
the opening soundtrack just brings so many feels back to me, i can't even describe it.
Not stuck in queues, because the servers just straightout died.
Keep LAD coming 😁
Should you do laps around oribos now that shadowlands is out?
Thanks guys
On Thrall server and it seems quiet and stable.
long awaited!!! hurray
I’ve gotten to level 55 through Bastion alone. Did the Maw intro, went to Bastion, and never left until I went to go to Maldraxxus at it’s last level.
Not sure how I feel about the set levelling path.
At this point in the history of this game, you never, ever need to say the phrase "Don't bring too many melee". Like, ever.
Ill be honest. I was expecting this to be laps around oribos instead of dalaran.
I'm not even playing wow anymore yet still enjoy listening to you lot rant on.
Laps around Oribos
I love whenever these guys upload, it feels more like im chatting with friends, rather than just watching someone talk for half an hour.