Weak Auras Have Gotten Out Of Hand In World of Warcraft

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30 thoughts on “Weak Auras Have Gotten Out Of Hand In World of Warcraft”

  1. The problem isn't just with addons; the issue lies in the fact that in order to play the game "correctly," you need to study every possible combination of buffs and how everything works together. It's like having a second job. When an addon can automate that process, people will naturally opt for it because they simply want to enjoy playing the game rather than dedicating extensive time to deciphering every modification the developers implement between patches.

  2. Can someone please explain to me if it's stupid if I trade my conquest gear into the Revival catalyst to get a tier set , I worked so hard for the conquest gear and I'm nervous to just trade it in. I'm a destro lock btw

  3. Somthing I don't think some people get is for people like me, to play high-level pve I do need weak auras for stuff, I don't get to play all day everyday so unlike alot of content creators who play all day every day. But this feels very much like a pve vs pvp thing.

  4. Anyone who calls the roll the bones WA cheating doesn't understand what cheating is. It just gives you a sound que instead of having to look at the top right of your screen.

  5. This is indicative of 2 things:
    A buff mechanic like this needs a better visual ingame and not a combination of 5 buffs being up spread over 2 rows of buffs.
    An actual ingame visual that somehow reflects on roll the bones outcomes. Not with some caption but just a standard proc visual representing what just happened.

  6. Honestly you don’t need any addons to play the game, I even tested this out for myself and deleted my addons for a month and still haven’t re downloaded. It actually made me pay attention more to my cool downs and figure out how to cowntown in my head.

    What I think needs to be updated and you can debate with me on this, but I think the spell animations need to be flashier so you know when people use burst cool downs and other things. I know to RoS my self or my target when a mage combust, cause visually I can see it. But I never can tell when a DH use cds cause all their spells look the same. You make that change, and I bet you don’t need addons

  7. Addons need to be perma removed and should give a perma ban for using them. But Blizzard is way too lazy to put this into action. They willingly allow bots and hackers

  8. i agree addons and also some macros have gone too far, but the way many classes play, that the resto shaman alone has like 12-14 different CDs to track or the amount of CDs and different buffs even combat rogue has and needs to keep active, of course most people need addons for that, its too just much, yes removing addons is definetly a good thing, but theres no point in removing addons yet keep the classes having 10 different cds and buffs and especially healers in general have too many buttons.


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