Shadowlands Balance Druid Convoke Spirits Experience in PvP.

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6% nerf to Starfall by the way.

Inb4 “omg he clicks on his abilities”.


27 thoughts on “Shadowlands Balance Druid Convoke Spirits Experience in PvP.”

  1. Me, to my arena partner: "So, i'm really not too sure what we're supposed to do against boomkins now."
    My partner: "I know!"
    Me, suddenly full of hope and optimism: "You do?!"
    My partner: "Die."

  2. as a pally main I'm strongly considering leveling my druid if this isn't nerfed reasonably soon. player versus player combat isn't really combat if your opponent is dead before they know they're in combat. This is beyond egregious, but if I can't beat them I'll join them.

  3. "Have you tried kicking it" – The dumbass druids that think Convoke is not a problem lol. Ya a 0.5 second window to counterplay it, only if the druid is dumb enough to not get range from you and set you up for it. All they need is less than a second channeled to blow you up. Blizzard developers are dumb as shit

  4. Guys, do you really find this funny? Because devs of this shit are laughing with the pockets full of our money. Those mf should be fired right now. I can't believe that a fuckin clicker could win with that nasty gameplay and mechanics…

  5. 0 Cr, 2x convokes against people who aren't likely to expect it – then thinking it's OP or that it's viable. Try 2k+ and double convoke, see how it goes 😉


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