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The Last Sigil
Giving the Runecarver the sigil caused his memories to recover, and revealed the prisoner of Torghast to be none other than the Primus of Maldraxxus.
The Jailer appeared to retrieve the sigil. Just when it seemed victory was within reach, he seized the sigil through his weapon: Anduin Wrynn.
The Jailer departed, leaving you and the Primus alive. Before leaving Torghast, the Primus recreated an illusion of the Runecarver to help those souls still strapped within Torghast.
Once free of the tower, you and the Primus ventured to Korthia to prepare for the next steps against the Jailer.
The Jailer vs The Primus All Cutscenes – Anduin Wrynn, Zovaal’s Lair – Shadowlands 9.1 #anduin #shadowlands #jailer
When raid cinematic fam
Feels like I'm watching a Sunday cartoon back in my elementary days. You can't get more cliché one liners than this!
If Varian is going to make an appearance to save Anduin his form will be the Ghost Wolf.
Why didn't the player intervene and stop anduine? We could have assisted somehow
Is Bob Joles supposed to be the Primus?
It's fine just give a paladin your sigil and let him bubble hearth
Does anyone else see the similarities between Zoval's attempts to capture the sigils vs Thanos' quest to gather the infinity stones? anyone?
Plot twist When Zoval finally gathered all sigils… Thanos appeared from no where and took the sigils and made a legendary gloves.
Shadowlands 9.1:–DZqtxlIclAaEqCA-ygdW
Garrosh Hellscream in Raid:
Sylvanas Boss Fight: