Shadowlands Beta – BIG Warlock Tuning! AXE TOSS Fixed! HUGE Conduit, Legendary and Soulbind Changes!

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This week’s Shadowlands beta build brought with it some pretty big changes to Warlock Conduits, Soulbinds and Legendaries!

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Intro: 0:00
Axe Toss: 0:49
Conduit Tuning: 5:20
Legendary Changes: 19:55
More Conduit Tuning: 27:05
Soulbind Tuning: 29:55
Patreon and Outro: 32:40

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35 thoughts on “Shadowlands Beta – BIG Warlock Tuning! AXE TOSS Fixed! HUGE Conduit, Legendary and Soulbind Changes!”

  1. Great vid, found you recently really love the content, it’s really been helping me get into warlock more, after playing one in classic I decided to pick up one on live. Curious which spec you think would be better for a new lock? ( I plan on doing M+ and raiding in shadow lands, although it’ll mostly be pugs as I don’t have a dedicated group to run with)

  2. Hey, thanks for the nice summary again. Maybe you could add another idea to your spreadsheet: I'd love to see a change on the necrolord-Affliction-covenant-ability into a combination of what it was and what it is right now. Right now its pretty punishing if you have to cancel a buffed Drain Life if you have to move. I would change it, so that Decimating Bolt would give 3 Stacks to Affliction Warlocks again (like pre-nerf) but then every tick of Drain soul should consume a stack (before the following ticks did not consume a stack). That way one could cancel the spell if one needed to move but would not lose the damage-amp. I think that would be a good middle ground of the current version and the former one.

  3. I feel like more classes need dedicated documents written up. Not saying there aren't more out there but the way warlocks have been treated is really good.

  4. I’m not sure I agree that basically every nerf here was warranted, as you mention. I’d agree if we were actually stomping on everyone right now in beta which really isn’t the case at all.

    Meanwhile the Ice Lance conduit change actually made me sick. I’m sure they’ll tune it another way but it’s honestly unbelievable.

  5. Eyyy thank you for your continued coverage and voice your opinions about warlock, I love to see that blizzard listens to the suggestions of the google docs.
    But i'm very thankfull for people like you who keep mentioning these great suggestions. Over and over again untill blizzard finally sees the light! 😀

    Keep it up man and thank you!

  6. I agree with you that conduits, soulbinds, legendaries etc. neet to be roughly balanced but demo wasnt in a good spot to begin with. I really prefer demo and since i only raid hc i guess i can play it but it will feel bad during progression and i wonder why blizz wants that?

  7. More of a PvP problem, but the new axe toss change causes axe toss to frequently go on cooldown without ever throwing it. If you axe toss during Felguard's Pursuit, or even in a brief window after it just goes on cooldown without doing anything. Same thing happens if your pet gets knocked back or cc'd in basically any way when you press it.

  8. So you say that demo doesn't have a covenant, but with the buffs to demon bolt with core and the change to the legendary…. could we see a use for decimating bolt with demon bolt? I really want to play around with that type of spec. I mainly play destro, but I've always wanted to try demo.

  9. Looks like this is going to be the most boring expansion for destro locks. All covenant abilities are bad for destro and all conduits are crap. You tell me, is it a fun interaction to be forced to have Immolate on the target so that the numbers on your spells go up a little? How about making your Havoc hit for 70% damage instead of 60%, that way it's only 30% crappier than the original Havoc that was gutted in BfA. Or how about an insignificant damage buff to the passive damage caused by your Infernal? Got a boner yet? No? Me neither.

  10. Great job @Kalamazi, i would like to suggest from the demonology pvp point of view that we need definitely our main pet (tyrann) to be instant, like the other spec! I dont know why other spec have instant infernal or dark glare and we dont. Also i think that sacrificed souls should be baseline, and having instead of it a dark soul talent, like other spec. And of course 1.5 cd on grimoire felguard

  11. Here's the real review…
    A. Pretty aesthetics …. nintendo colors, kiddie mounts and fairy wing sets etc. Looks very much like a 10 year old kid's game more every expansion. No need to say it aint so… it be.
    B. Game play SPECIFICALLY for warlocks is CLUNKY. Fluid? Go play a shadow priest because this "dev" has no damn clue wtf he is doing.
    C. Nerfed into the GROUND already. Yes, locks were around top 4 and considering they ONLY do DPS… that sounds right. Then… the kiddies on the forums who want panda monks and hunters to be top (which already have THREE SPECS in the top tier DPS) are untouched. Once again.. this "dev" has no clue.
    D. Community has to TELL the dev what a crap job he's done and they fix it based on community feedback. Axe toss change? Some minor summoning ability??? Give me a break.

    There is not ONE unique thing about this class that's been added. The game play is total C L U N K. Why in Zeus's butthole is demo a turret spec who has no control over a demo who just blows crap up. Summoning imps???? lmao. How about affliction? Casting 4x to ramp up to do meh damage. Pretty animations? Skill? NO. The correct term is C L U N K. And why is destruction basically unchanged after a decade? Why are there no new pets? What about demon armor? Why did they add "curses" no one really wanted other than minor use in pvp? Why did holonko approve the class GUTTING during WoD to basically rip out demos GREAT style and game play and make a new class with those abilities call it a demon hunter and then tell the warlocks to piss off. This is a RIP OFF. Warlocks feel like a gimped shadow priest dot wise. Their rotation is clunky. Their mobility is still crap. The do not have enough survival talents with a stand and turret type play style and porting around on a CD is NOT sufficient. You can buy their hype and bullshit or you can go back and play classic… gear your class up for TBC… because you know it will be released soon because blizzard is going broke because retail blows @ss hard so they will soak the community for anything they can get. Vanilla, TBC and Wrath could have ALL been released… with NO monthly fees and blizzard would be STILL taking it to the bank off other things like their "paid" services. Company is dead. Retail is a dumpster fire for class design. Don't PAY them for this… or you will be getting more of the same.


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