Shadowlands Blood Death Knight Guide

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Blood Death Knights have been rising and falling throughout the Shadowlands Beta, but now that release is finally upon us, where do they stand? They’re doing pretty well!

Llarold is here with the complete breakdown of everything that’s new, fun, and awesome about Blood Death Knights in Shadowlands. Get ready to spam Death Strike!

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0:00 Intro
0:47 Why Play Blood DK?
1:39 Covenants
13:54 Conduits
18:22 Legendaries
21:43 Talents
24:36 Rotation
25:16 Stats & Gear
28:00 Outro

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9 thoughts on “Shadowlands Blood Death Knight Guide”

  1. Great overview!

    It'd be nice if they could revert the armor nerf. With our AM Bone Shield UP the armor amount is still lowest with the other tanks AM off. MandI shared his criticism on wowhead:

    That being said Blood DK is still my favorite choice as the reaction tank to damage. Very satisfying to see those max HP heals in higher keystones. Very pleased to see blood tap back and ossuary baseline.

  2. Good video bro, lots of useful information. I’d suggest to add different videos in the back ground instead of a still photo and try to cut down the pauses between sentences to really make your videos too tier ! 🙂

  3. Nice vid! I will probably go Necrolord with my Blood DK. I do mainly pvp, battlegrounds, by stalling the enemy on bases or as flagger. Abomination Limb is the perfect tool to keep the enemy away from a base and inside my bonestorm/D&D. Is a little bit meme-y but in those little situations is going to be so toxic, i love the idea. Emeni as soulbind, Lead by Exemple and Sulfuric Emission for those role i have fun covering are basically bis. Is like having back Horn of Winter and a 1 minute cd free use of Howl of Terror under 20% HP. The double finesse conduit for Fleeting Wind and Chilled Resilience is basically mandatory. I can't wait to tank for 2/3 minutes half team on a base, spam grip them, and then, when they think they got me, they will just get feared for 4 seconds. Is so stupid, i love it XD No idea for the legendary tho, probably the easiest to craft for a lot of time, hope is not death's certainty, is going to be the less useful in bg.

  4. I hate vampiric aura design, it gives no benefit to player. I not against to 50% effect of vampiric blood to the party but at least give something to player for using it, a reward for spending money and materials. If my party wants this legendary, they should pay for it since they are the only ones benefit from.

  5. Interesting how you say Necrolord is the worst covenant, but one of the top DK tanks (Doorki) in a recent stream a few days ago, says it was on par for top spot with Venthyr, maybe pulling out ahead because of one specific conduit path. I chose Necrolord, and the damage I get from Abomination Limb is pretty crazy, with some DPS in my groups even commenting how they didn't expect such dps from it.


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