Shadowlands Frost DK Beginner/ Quick Guide 9.0

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Everything you need to know as a new Frost Death Knight in Shadowlands!

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Shoutout to DaskeDK for providing the thumbnail art.

00:00 Introduction
01:05 Covenant Choice
02:08 Talents
03:03 Rotations
05:36 Stat Priority
06:25 Enhancements
08:24 Legendaries
08:50 Conduits
09:21 Outro


48 thoughts on “Shadowlands Frost DK Beginner/ Quick Guide 9.0”

  1. very cool, thx 4 the infos. would you recomennd picking up an legendary on an armor slot oder maybe neck / Ring etc. There are tier sets annouced for the 2nd raid, so some legendaryrs will take a slot for a tier piece. Would do you think?

  2. Thanks for this video, I've been trying to learn Frost since I hit 60. One thing I would suggest is to increase your volume. I have to turn my speakers up quite a bit to hear you well.

  3. Great vid BP! There's one thought I've had about frostscythe. Will it be worth picking up at all when playing Nightfae? Will obliterate cleaves just be better in most scenarios? Perhaps even in M+?

  4. Question. Would you recommend using "Rune of Hysteria" why or why not? I mean it increases your cap of runic power you're able to build up & if your dual wielding that's an extra 40 if you put it on both weapons.

    So ultimately wouldn't that be better in terms of damage output? I mean you're able to build more & therefore spend more, unless I'm just completely wrong which I am more than happy to admit since you are basically the father of death Knights.

  5. Gave you a sub. Great stuff. I'm looking to exclusively play frost this expac and have been having doubts after seeing how underwhelming it is right now. Would you recommend spending ash on a legendary until your guild gets sludge down and you get the memory from him? I'm thinking about just making the remorseless winter legendary for my 2H build.

  6. Hey there Biceps, I tried to add your discord off of the WoWhead info you provided in your about page, but I came to your youtube to see about a discussion in regards to one aspect of your legendary guide you wrote. I am currently playing a Frost DK this xpac, and was a Fury Warrior Mythic Raider (Although didn't get as far as I'd have liked) in the Ny'alotha tier. If you could either update the discord info on your WoWhead profile so I could contact you, or if you'd rather just discuss this here that's fine, just let me know.

  7. as 2H frost DK i feel rune-starved quite often and gameplay is a bit clunky. I just leveled up a hunter and both MM and BM are smooth.. now the dilemma kicks in. Stay and pray for DK, or just play tha hunt.

  8. Hello kind sir, this guide is really helpful and do get a lot from it, but still, can someone point into right direction if I run Frost DK 2H with night fae cov. I struggle so much in M+ and I do have a friend that plays unholy and he is a reckless beast and says that frost is weak, thus I tried the unholy spec aswell and I did way more dps even though I did not know what I was doing… so can you give me a little more insight what kind of build should I have? what talents for 2h? which covenant? is it still generally better to have DW sindra build? please any answer will help ^^

  9. Hey Biceps! as always nice videos, what i missed out alittle would be as i feel Night fae changes your rotations e.t.c and maybe a little more input for obliterate night faes? 🙂

  10. I'm deeply wondering what's the DPS difference between Koltira's favor and Biting Cold in ST scenario, as obviously in AoE biting cold is clearly superior. Mind testing it or giving me a hint if it's been done anywhere before?

  11. Hello m8 and thank you for your great content, you ve been very helpful! .One question I have I would really like your help with: for a DW Oblit build why do we pick Avalanche instead of Frozen pulse? I think FP goes better especially cause we use ERW more often now with our conduit. We attack faster more often so it seems to me FP can be better. I would really like to hear your opinion on this thanks!


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