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Shadowlands is live! And before the dust even settles let’s do a launch review of the first few days of the new World of Warcraft expansion.
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Phew, I think it DID age well
I love timegating it helps me to feel on par with the sweaty mythic bois, especially in world PvP 😛
P.S. love the relatable mining and herbalism footage. My trouble is that professions sidetrack me so much on a pathological level that I'm still level 55 on 2 "mains". Not too smart 😀
Flawless launch on my server except a little lag at 00:00, so no complaints here, loving it!
Except for a couple of bugs easily resolved by re-logging to the character screen, I've had no issues. It's been a pleasure!
Best launch ever
No issues, great zones, quite different so you are never bored. Only thing I find annoying is how everyone in ardenweld sounds like britney on cocaine
I got stuck in zombie land because the through the flames blade didn’t spawn
My guild and I had a lot of fun getting INTO orgrimmar , discord hilarity ensued. I was the last to arrive having been stuck on the zeppelin- I ended up taking the boat from zandalar with a tauren "I hope this works" he said "me too" I said then I dc'd again and made it on the second attempt by boat to the echo isles. Hearing the front gates were not working I swooped around from ashenvale and……
SUCCESS! what a journey..48 mins to get to orgrimmar :p
My friends and I are having an excellent time in the shadowlands.
My only two frustrations so far are the launch being on a bloody Monday at midnight European time making my work week feeling like it's never going to end.
And I'm not the biggest fan of having all new systems starting in endgame beyond the testing of covenant skills. My heroic nyalotha main still hasn't found a single decent item at level 58 and I'm basically just unlocking transmit and following the story with 0 gameplay progression for now about 8 hours.
Bastion was really dull, with lag on items 30sec plus to loot and input lag last night been a rubbish expansion. Not to mention the dc after being logged in on expansion night and a 2hr wait time to get back in.
Aside from lag and looong dungeon ques, I havent experienced any significant negatives or bugs yet. Only major gripe so far is theres no Flightmaster Whistle for wq.
My WoW experience has been nothing but queues. Im level 55 and thats just because i cant get in
Ardenwald was the first point I got issues other than the opening hour, Revendreth was the story and zone I enjoyed most, very GoT 🙂
Despite having an outdated cpu, playing it is quite decent, except the city, my fps crawls to one digit at times, but serviceable. Not a bad start to shadowlands so far 🙂
I want to use the Threads of Fate for my alts, but I don't want to miss out on screencapping all of them in the cutscenes.
I'll see how I feel after I run the main story a couple more times.
Good analysis! I really like this expansion, I love how they have reintegrated the RPG aspects and the questing zones are great. I'm cautiously optimistic! Lol
No bugs, d/c's, or fighting for mobs. A real joy.
Best launch I have experienced yet, other than DCing almost every time I "jump" into The Maw. I will say that the pure amount of things to do has overwhelmed some people. I think its great that you can finish so many things for the week and move onto an alt or do optional content. I am not sure if its a Blizzard issue to try and not overwhelm people or if its just the last couple expansions that have conditioned people to think they need to optimize and grind everything.
Level 59 now, just finished the 3rd zone.
It would have been much better had I not been on a server where you couldn't get on for 9+ hours…
Launch was was smooth for me, no problems but I’m pissed about the lore. How the fk is the jailer walking around? And only one cgi video?!?!???!? I duno gameplay is cool and I love the new enemies we get to fight. But lore wise they got sum explaining fk activision till we have Answers!!!!!!
my server still laggin lmao!
I’ve leveled at launch since BC. This was definitely the smoothest 1st day of them all. I was worried at the simultaneous launch, but they nailed the sharding percentages.
About launch of Shadowlands I figured from disconnect, then I tried to play and several my characters on 2 US realms were "Character not found". On those who were found world was dead, everything static, NPCs not interacting so I gone to sleep. Otherwise great lunch, I slept well. And great thanks to Blizzard's bots from Pakistan who instantly replied on WoW forums that everything is fine.
My map does not show the flypoint for Odious even though I did click it.
You said "pushing it into our memories" and I thought you were going to say "pushing it into our eyeballs."
i was in warmode i saw no horde all alliance
i play horde
Facing the Jailer at the beginning felt intimidating and imposing. This villain actually made me feel threatened for once since Cataclysm!
This was one of the most booring leveling expansion. I dont think i will have any alts this time. Just story quests over and over with talking and specific quests objectives. I want kill 10 boars. Kill 5 hyenas. Those are fun and i get to aoe farm with my mage. Story is sl booring
My favorite part is the main quest in Maldraxxus that doesn’t let multiple people grab it and only spawns every 6-8 minutes.
It takes me back to classic, a better game… the people all waiting around even communicated with eachother, it was glorious.
When I was playing it was exquisite- there's always a honeymoon period but I dont remember one this good. Pleasantly surprised by how much I felt invested in each covenant. On the flip side though was only able to play for a few hours a day due to my high pop server lag rendering it unplayable.
"I do have a covenant, mining and herbalism"
Seems about right
Love the jailer shirt
yehe im level 53..wiiiii, will have more time in the weekend
Still not bought. First night massive crash & long waiting time. Still some servers have waiting time ofr 3 hours and more. I thought Blizzard would have learnt and fixed this problem but they suggest to move server? wow.
with the revamp and how fast it is to level and how easy it is it doesnt seem worth it anymore
i haven’t been able to play as much as i want to, so level 59 and haven’t set foot in the venthyr area yet, but have herbed and skinned a great deal. my youngest hit 60 quickly and efficiently. am breathing in the expansion to enjoy it, this will likely slow me down on the competitive front, but i will manage. so far, am having fun
Smoothest launch I've experienced, no queue, no lag, no bugs . Not a single problem.
I decided to dip my foot in last night. BAD IDEA. They need to warn people not to start SL at night if they have a vivid imagination. I got maybe 6 quests in and decided if the next couple of hours was like this, I was never going to get to sleep, so I stopped. The ambient noises, the graphics, the storyline (I'm a huge storyline/lore person, I'm one of those rare people that read all the quest texts) were all just making my mind go in weird directions. I may be almost 44, but I have the imagination of a child. I can't handle
"scary" or graphic movies, shows, books, etc without having some sort of odd dreams, and even though I tried to "forget" what I had just played by watching some of my favorite NetFlix shows before going to sleep, I still ended up with nightmares that kept me up most of the night. Since I wont have a chance to play again till tonight because it's "eat until you puke day" and since all of my immediate family and their kids have all had covid so there's no chance of anyone catching anything so they'll all be here, I'll just focus on my alts and just do BfA stuff until I can play in daylight on my main.
I didn't have time to play. but starting from tomorrow I'm gonna old school marathon play it for 48 hours straight (don't worry I will sleep some time here and there). Also lots of coffee and energy drinks 😉
I'm still at maldraxxus at my third day playing, i'm reading every quest, paying attention and enjoying the ride instead of going fast for the endgame content, and the quests and history is very good, way better than legion and BfA, raid and end game content needs time to see if it ages well
I’m on sargeras and have had no problems so far had a very small que last night of 4 people, but got in after a few seconds.
Smoothest launch ive ever been apart of in this game. Obviously when 400 people are standing near a portal its gonna lag, that goes for ANY game. The wow haters like to act like having that many people on screen is a non issue in other mmos, which is bullshit. Anyways, there was a bit of lag to start out but as soon as i got through i literally had no problems the rest of the night. I played for like 20 hours generally lag free, not one DC or problem i can whine about. Very happy and surprised. Ive seen and caught people who i personally know who hate wow and just love to hate on it, making fake accounts just to shit post online about it. Funny how so many people want wow to fail just becuase.
I had to work beginning of the week so started Wednesday and have had no issues so far. I just started ardenweld and at lvl 58 almost. I have been mining, fishing, side quests, and other stuff just relaxing through the story. Can't wait to hit 60 though and get to some stuff I didn't have time to do on beta. Have a great holiday weekend.