Shadowlands Marksmanship Hunter Single Target/Raid Guide

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MM Hunter M+ Guide:

UI + Macro Video:

0:00 Intro
0:21 Covenant/Soulbind
1:40 Gearing
2:27 Talents
4:30 Rotation
14:05 Tips
14:56 Outro



28 thoughts on “Shadowlands Marksmanship Hunter Single Target/Raid Guide”

  1. Best rotation guide for mm hunters, thx. I had trouble getting used to the mm playstyle, especially because it is very situational and intuetive. Would never have thought that the noob addon hekilli would help me understand How to priorizise my mm abilities. I new everything in theory but to use that knowledge practically is not easy. I practiced the rotation with the Addon on dummies and helped so much. We are at 6/10 Mythic and I have 98% logs overall.

  2. Thanks for the video. Does everything here also apply to a kyrian hunter? Just replace wild spirits with resonating arrow? Also i think it would be cool if you made a video dedicated to steady shot and how and when to cast as many as possible to maximize dmg. My logs always have way less steady shots than ppl with more damage but it doesn't seem obvious on when i should be casting them. Thanks again


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