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I stream mythic raiding, M+, and PvP! Come check out my channel and hang out!
MM Hunter M+ Guide:
UI + Macro Video:
0:00 Intro
0:21 Covenant/Soulbind
1:40 Gearing
2:27 Talents
4:30 Rotation
14:05 Tips
14:56 Outro
Nice content. I’m glad that found your channel. Pretty useful for newbie mm hunter player like me 😀 keep up the good work.
Thank you, buddy! You have helped me greatly – please keep up the good work.
ty man this would help a lot of people <3
Thank you, your videos help a ton! Any tips on macro's?
Another great guide!!! These helped me alot!
Keep on the great Work, looking forward for more conteeent:D
Thanks for the vid
You make the best hunter content, thank you. I removed my original comment as it had wrong information and did not want to stir up confusion. Sorry for that!
worth every minute <3
Best rotation guide for mm hunters, thx. I had trouble getting used to the mm playstyle, especially because it is very situational and intuetive. Would never have thought that the noob addon hekilli would help me understand How to priorizise my mm abilities. I new everything in theory but to use that knowledge practically is not easy. I practiced the rotation with the Addon on dummies and helped so much. We are at 6/10 Mythic and I have 98% logs overall.
Hello and thanks for the video
Although im looking for more detailed video so i can have better logs
Still thank you so much for this ❤️
Very nice and easy to understand guide, as always. Keep it up 🙂
Its finally here! thanks for the awesome guide
Could you post your macros for wild spirits and volley please?
Your content is exactly what I have been looking for as a new MM hunter. Keep it up!!!
Cheers man! <3
Covahz, you forgot the #1 rule to topping the DPS meter. "Just get gud and kill the boss."
Thanks for the video. Does everything here also apply to a kyrian hunter? Just replace wild spirits with resonating arrow? Also i think it would be cool if you made a video dedicated to steady shot and how and when to cast as many as possible to maximize dmg. My logs always have way less steady shots than ppl with more damage but it doesn't seem obvious on when i should be casting them. Thanks again
Why start woth steady shot x2 instead of an aimed shot?
How does the Korayn soul bind perform compared to Niya?
You are awesome man. We downed Mythic Hungering Destroyer the other day and I found that the movement killed my DPS. This definitely helped put that in perspective.
thanks so much for this 🤗🤗
That's cute, covahz thinks people other than him get PI
Your videos have helped me a lot. A really like how you explain everything more in-depth. Really glad I found your channel. Keep up the amazing content!
Covahz,te sigo desde perú y solo quiero decirte que eres muy bueno con el hunter y tambien dando consejos.
Ojala enseñes los momentos de hacer burst en raid para maximizar dps.
Great video
I thought Niyas Burs were nerfed in AOE situations now?
Sup dude, very nice guide.
is there a way to call your pet and use bl with one button?(macro) want that for m+
nice clear and fast guide thanks