World of Warcraft Unreal Engine 5 – Arthas

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I spent some free sculpting Arthas in Z-Brush and ended up putting together a video of the model in Unreal Engine. I used Quixel Megascans to build my snow environment.


21 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Unreal Engine 5 – Arthas”

  1. I still that one day Wacraft 4 is released and it just starts with Arthas awakening and saying "I have seen glimpses of the future and I know what must be done!" and retcon all of WoW in the process.

  2. The disrespect to Arthas is a greater atrocity than Me’dan. The fact Blizzard are keeping Shadowlands canon after all the lore it destroyed, especially scourge lore, I definitely don’t think the lore aspect of the game will ever mean anything again. None of the characters or lore matters anymore after the nonsensical stupidity of Arthas’ end and the Jailer’s character in general.

  3. Gonna be honest. I don't like this photorealism stuff in video games. It feels like the lowest form of effort. You just rely on high-fidelity instead of making something stylistic and unique.

    The detail is phenomenal. But seeing this made me realize I really do just prefer WoW characters being stylized.

  4. World of Warcraft was an amazing trilogy. The gritty classic, the fantastic (and best) sequel BC, and the glorious end of the Lich King. NO there weren't any expansions after that. IDK what you're talking about.

  5. Почему нельзя было сделать плащу физику ткани? Даже в Варкрафт 3 артас стоял и у него от ветра колыхался плащ.


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